Changes to Applications
RxNav and RxClass changed because of the NDF-RT to MED-RT transition.- RxNav. Changes include:
- The NDF-RT tab was removed.
- Under the Class View tab, the Drug and DF views were removed. They are replaced with EPC and VA class views. The Disease view now contains MeSH class nodes and uses the MED-RT drug-class relations. The Chem view also contains MeSH class nodes. The Chem, MoA, PE, and EPC views use the DailyMed drug-class relations. The PK view uses the MED-RT drug-class relations.
- RxClass. Changes include:
- The Edit Drug Sources table has a column labeled "MEDRT", replacing the "NDFRT" column. An additional column for the VA drug source was added.
- CHEM The CHEM tree top level node was renamed from "Chemical Structure" to "Substances and Cells". The classes in this tree are (mostly) MeSH Descriptors, and so are identified by MeSH descriptor identifiers. Most of the MeSH classes contained in the RxClass CHEM tree are part of the drugs and chemicals ("D" tree) category in MeSH.
- Disease. The Disease tree top level node was renamed from "Disease" to "Diseases, Life Phases and Physiologic States". The tree contains mostly MeSH Descriptors from the diseases ("C" tree) category, and so are identified by MeSH descriptor identifiers.
- MED-RT drugs directly refer to RxNorm, so the source id and source name fields in the output tables (displayed when the "show source data" box is checked) contain RxNorm identifiers and names for the drugs in classes EPC, Disease, Chem, MoA, PK and PE.
- Output table notation says MEDRT instead of NDFRT when a MEDRT source of drug relations is being used.
- VA Classes. VA classes which were available in NDF-RT are not included in MED-RT. However, we are providing the VA class information from an alternate source. Coverage of RxNorm drug products into VA classes are more comprehensive with the addition of a "has_VAClass_extended" relation which will provide associated drug product mappings into VA classes. Note that the VA class identifiers are changed from the NDF-RT unique identifiers (NUIs) to the 5-digit VA class ids.
Changes to APIs
The NDF-RT API has been decomissioned.There are no plans for development of a MED-RT API.
On June 4, 2018, the RxClass API and RxClass web application started using the MED-RT data. Impacts on RxClass API users are:
- Specifying MeSH identifiers instead of NDF-RT identifiers for Chem and Disease class identification. Class ids are
used in the following table for the SOAP functions and REST resources.
SOAP Function
Will be terminated
in January 2020)REST Resource Description findClassesById /class/byId Find the drug classes from a class identifier /similar Find similar class membership getClassContexts /classContext Get the class context getClassGraph,
getClassGraphBySource/classGraph Get the class graph of ancestors getClassMembers /classMembers Get the drug members of a specified class getClassTree /classTree Get the descendents of a class getSimilarityInformation /similarInfo Get the similarity information between members of two classes
- Specifying the source of drug-class relations. Users should change from using NDFRT to MEDRT.
For VA classes, the source of drug-class relations changes from NDFRT to VA.
NOTE: the API will change requests specifying NDFRT to MEDRT
for an undetermined time after the transition to minimize the impact on the users.
Source of drug-class relations are used in the following SOAP functions and REST resources.
SOAP Function
Will be terminated
in January 2020)REST Resource Description findSimilarClassesByClass /similar Find similar class membership findSimilarClassesByDrugList /similarByRxcuis Find similar classes from a list of RxNorm drug identifiers getClassByRxNormDrugId /class/byRxcui Get the classes of a specified drug identifier getClassByRxNormDrugName /class/byDrugName Get the classes of a specified drug name getClassMembers /classMembers Get the drug members of a specified class getSimilarityInformation /similarInfo Get the similarity information between members of two classes
To find the drugs that "may_treat" chronic hepatitis B, the RESTful query using NDF-RT class id was:
The new query uses the MeSH identifier and specifies MEDRT instead of NDFRT:
For questions, comments or feedback about these resources, please contact us at RXNAVINFO@LIST.NIH.GOV.