RxNorm API
The RxNorm API is a web service for accessing information from the RxNorm data set.
This API documentation assumes familiarity with the RxNorm documentation.
Each function covers RxNorm Concepts within a certain scope. The scopes are:
- Active
- concepts in the current RxNorm data set that have an atom with SAB=RXNORM and SUPPRESS=N
- Current
- concepts in the current RxNorm data set that have an atom with SUPPRESS=N
- Current and Historical
- concepts in current and previous RxNorm data sets
Use of the API is subject to Terms of Service. With one exception, no license is needed to use the RxNorm API. This is because the data returned from the API is from the RxNorm vocabulary, a non-proprietary vocabulary developed by the National Library of Medicine.
Function | REST Resource | Description | Scope |
filterByProperty | /rxcui/rxcui/filter | Concept RXCUI if the predicate is true | Active |
findRelatedNDCs | /relatedndc | NDCs related by NDC product, RxNorm concept, or RxNorm drug product | Active |
findRxcuiById | /rxcui?idtype=...&id=... | Concepts associated with a specified identifier | Active or Current |
findRxcuiByString | /rxcui?name=... | Concepts with a specified name | Active or Current |
getAllConceptsByStatus | /allstatus | Concepts having a specified status | Current and Historical |
getAllConceptsByTTY | /allconcepts | Concepts having a specified term type | Active |
getAllHistoricalNDCs | /rxcui/rxcui/allhistoricalndcs | National Drug Codes (NDC) ever associated with a concept | Current and Historical |
getAllNDCsByStatus | /allNDCstatus | NDCs having a specified NDC status | Current and Historical |
getAllProperties | /rxcui/rxcui/allProperties | Concept details | Active |
getAllRelatedInfo | /rxcui/rxcui/allrelated | Concepts related directly or indirectly to a specified concept | Active |
getApproximateMatch | /approximateTerm | Concept and atom IDs approximately matching a query | Active or Current |
getDisplayTerms | /displaynames | Strings to support auto-completion in a user interface | Active |
getDrugs | /drugs | Drugs related to a specified name | Active |
getIdTypes | /idtypes | Identifier types | Current |
getMultiIngredBrand | /brands | Brands containing specified ingredients | Active |
getNDCProperties | /ndcproperties | National Drug Code (NDC) details | Current and Historical |
getNDCStatus | /ndcstatus | Status of a National Drug Code (NDC) | Current and Historical |
getNDCs | /rxcui/rxcui/ndcs | National Drug Codes (NDC) associated with a concept | Active |
getPropCategories | /propCategories | RxNav property categories | Active |
getPropNames | /propnames | Property names | Active |
getProprietaryInformation | /rxcui/rxcui/proprietary | Strings from any RXNORM source vocabularies | Current |
getReformulationConcepts | /reformulationConcepts | Concepts related by reformulation_of | Active |
getRelaTypes | /relatypes | RxNorm Relationship types | Active |
getRelatedByRelationship | /rxcui/rxcui/related?rela=... | Concepts directly related to a specified concept by a specified relationship | Active |
getRelatedByType | /rxcui/rxcui/related?tty=... | Concepts of specified types that are directly or indirectly related to a specified concept | Active |
getRxConceptProperties | /rxcui/rxcui/properties | Concept name, TTY, and a synonym | Active |
getRxNormName | /rxcui/rxcui | Name of a concept | Active |
getRxNormVersion | /version | RxNorm data set and API versions | Current |
getRxProperty | /rxcui/rxcui/property | A property of a concept | Active |
getRxcuiHistoryStatus | /rxcui/rxcui/historystatus | Status, history, and other attributes of a concept | Current and Historical |
getSourceTypes | /sourcetypes | Vocabulary sources | Current |
getSpellingSuggestions | /spellingsuggestions | Strings similar to a specified string | Active |
getTermTypes | /termtypes | Term types | Active |