RxClass API
The RxClass API is a web service for accessing drug classes and drug members for a number of different drug class types. See RxClass Overview.
Use of the API is subject to Terms of Service. No license is needed to use the RxClass API.
Function | REST Resource | Description |
findClassByName | /class/byName | Drug classes with a specified class name |
findClassesById | /class/byId | Drug classes with a specified class identifier |
findSimilarClassesByClass | /class/similar | Classes with similar clinically-significant RxNorm ingredients |
findSimilarClassesByDrugList | /class/similarByRxcuis | Classes with clinically-significant RxNorm ingredients similar to a specified list |
getAllClasses | /allClasses | All classes (may limit by class type) |
getClassByRxNormDrugId | /class/byRxcui | Classes containing a specified drug RXCUI |
getClassByRxNormDrugName | /class/byDrugName | Classes containing a drug of the specified name |
getClassContexts | /classContext | Paths from the specified class to the root of its class hierarchies |
getClassGraphBySource | /classGraph | Classes along the path from a specified class to the root of a class hierarchy |
getClassMembers | /classMembers | Drug members of a specified class |
getClassTree | /classTree | Subclasses or descendants of the specified class |
getClassTypes | /classTypes | Class types |
getRelaSourceVersion | /version/relaSource | Version of a data set from which RxClass draws drug-class relations |
getRelas | /relas | Relationships expressed by a source of drug relations |
getSimilarityInformation | /class/similarInfo | Similarity of the clinically-significant membership of two classes |
getSourcesOfDrugClassRelations | /relaSources | Sources of drug-class relations |
getSpellingSuggestions | /spellingsuggestions | Drug or class names similar to a given string |