MetaMap is a highly configurable program
developed by Dr. Alan (Lan) Aronson at
the National Library of
Medicine (NLM) to map biomedical text to
the UMLS
Metathesaurus or, equivalently, to discover
Metathesaurus concepts referred to in text. MetaMap uses a
knowledge-intensive approach based on symbolic,
natural-language processing (NLP) and
computational-linguistic techniques. Besides being applied
for both IR and data-mining applications, MetaMap is one of
the foundations of NLM's
Medical Text Indexer (MTI) which is being used for both
semiautomatic and fully automatic indexing of biomedical
literature at NLM.
Recent News
May 2020 - MetaMap 2020 Release
More information on these changes are described in the Release Notes for MetaMap 2020 (PDF)