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2024 Version
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main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.Option
A test drivier for testing methods in this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.OptionMain
A test driver of command line system for using classes of Option and option test
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.OptionTest
A test driver for using command line system
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbAcronym
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbAntiNorm
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbAntonym
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbCanon
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbDerivation
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbEui
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbFruitful
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbNominalization
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbProperNoun
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbSpellingVariants
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbSynonym
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbUninflection
Test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAcronyms
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntiNorm
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonyms
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonymSubstitution
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToBaseSpellingVariants
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToCanonicalize
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToCitation
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToConvertOutput
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivation
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivationByCategory
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToExpansions
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilter
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilterAcronym
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilterProperNoun
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulEnhanced
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariants
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariantsDb
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariantsLex
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToGetUnicodeNames
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToGetUnicodeSynonyms
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflection
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflectionByCatInfl
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflectionSimple
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToLowerCase
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToLuiNormalize
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapSymbolToAscii
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapUnicodeToAscii
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMetaphone
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNominalization
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNoOperation
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormalize
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUnicode
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUnicodeWithSynonym
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUninflectWords
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveDerivations
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveSynonyms
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRemoveGenitive
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRemoveS
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToReplacePunctuationWithSpace
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInfl
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInflBegin
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInflDb
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveEui
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSimpleInflections
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSortWordsByOrder
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSpellingVariants
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSplitLigatures
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripAmbiguityTags
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripDiacritics
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripMapUnicode
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripNecNos
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuation
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuationEnhanced
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripStopWords
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSynonyms
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSyntacticUninvert
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenize
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenizeKeepAll
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenizeNoHyphens
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUnicodeCoreNorm
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninflectTerm
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninflectWords
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninvert
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToWordSize
A unit test driver for this flow component.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskBase
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskOpt
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Category
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
Test driver for this Flow class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Gender
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Inflection
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
A test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Tag
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.InflectionRule
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentList
A test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTrie
A test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTrieTree
A executable program for LVG developers to create radom access files for inflections and derivations from flat files.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RamTrie
This is the executable program for using LVG rule trie through RAM.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RTrieTree
A test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RuleException
A test driver of this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.TrieNode
A test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.TrieTree
A test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.WildCard
test driver for this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Case
A test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Str
A test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Strip
Test driver for using this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StripToken
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Word
Test driver for this class
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.XeroxParc
Test dirver for this class
MALE_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Gender
male bit for gender
MAP_SIMPLE_INFL - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Inflection
Mapping simple inflections
MAP_SYMBOL_TO_ASCII - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
punctuation Symbol mapping flow component bit for flow
MAP_UNICODE_TO_ASCII - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
unicdoe mapping flow component bit for flow
MapUnicodeSymbolToAscii(char, Hashtable<Character, String>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapSymbolToAscii
Get unicode synonym
MapUnicodeToAscii(char, Hashtable<Character, String>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapUnicodeToAscii
Get unicode synonym
MASK - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskBase
MASK - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskOpt
MAX_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskBase
the maximum number of bits used.
MAX_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskOpt
the maximum number of bits used.
MAX_LEVEL - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.Option
The maximum level of the command line system
MAX_METAPHONE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
key for the maximum length of metaphone code
MAX_RESULT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
key for the number of maximum records shown defined in configuration file
MAX_UNINFLS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
key for the maximum uninflected terms defined in configuration file
METAPHONE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
metaphone flow component bit for flow
MIN_TERM_LENGTH - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
key for the minimum length of rule generated terms
Minus(long, long) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Bit
Minus two long bitwise.
MODAL_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Category
Modal bit for category
Mutate(String, String, Vector<Integer>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.FieldsApi
A method to cut out and/or rearrange fields of an input string
Mutate(LexItem) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LuiNormApi
A method to get the canonical normalized strings of an input LexItem
Mutate(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LuiNormApi
A method to get the canonical normalized strings of an input string
Mutate(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LuiNormApi
A method to get the canonical normalized strings of an input string along with details information of luiNorm operations
Mutate(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Performs flow mutation by processing the input term.
Mutate(LexItem) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.NormApi
A method to get the normalized strings of an input LexItem
Mutate(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.NormApi
A method to get the normalized strings of an input string
Mutate(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.NormApi
A method to get the normalized strings of an input string along with details information of norm operations
Mutate(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.ToAsciiApi
A method to get the ASCII strings of an input string
Mutate(LexItem) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.ToAsciiApi
A method to get the ASCII strings of an input LexItem
Mutate(LexItem, boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.ToAsciiApi
A method to get the normalized strings of an input string along with details information of norm operations
Mutate(LexItem) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.WordIndApi
A method to get the tokenized strings of an input LexItem
Mutate(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.WordIndApi
A method to get the tokenized strings of an input string
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAcronyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, Vector<String>, Connection, RamTrie, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, Hashtable<Character, String>, RTrieTree, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntiNorm
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonymSubstitution
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToAntonymSubstitution
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToBaseSpellingVariants
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToCanonicalize
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToCitation
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToConvertOutput
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivation
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivation
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, int, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivationByCategory
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToDerivationByCategory
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToExpansions
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilter
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilterAcronym
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFilterProperNoun
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulEnhanced
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariants
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariantsDb
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToFruitfulVariantsLex
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToGetUnicodeNames
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, Character>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToGetUnicodeSynonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflection
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflectionByCatInfl
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToInflectionSimple
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToLowerCase
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, Vector<String>, Connection, RamTrie, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, Hashtable<Character, String>, RTrieTree, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToLuiNormalize
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapSymbolToAscii
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMapUnicodeToAscii
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToMetaphone
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNominalization
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNoOperation
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, Vector<String>, Connection, RamTrie, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, Hashtable<Character, String>, RTrieTree, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormalize
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUnicode
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, Character>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUnicodeWithSynonym
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, Connection, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToNormUninflectWords
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveDerivations
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveDerivations
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveSynonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRecursiveSynonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRemoveGenitive
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, RTrieTree, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRemoveS
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToReplacePunctuationWithSpace
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInfl
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInflBegin
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveCatInflDb
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToRetrieveEui
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSimpleInflections
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSortWordsByOrder
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSpellingVariants
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSplitLigatures
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripAmbiguityTags
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, Character>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripDiacritics
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripMapUnicode
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripNecNos
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuation
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuationEnhanced
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Vector<String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripStopWords
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSynonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSynonyms
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Vector<String>, Vector<String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSyntacticUninvert
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenize
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenizeKeepAll
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToTokenizeNoHyphens
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, String>, Hashtable<Character, Character>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUnicodeCoreNorm
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, Connection, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninflectTerm
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, Connection, RamTrie, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninflectWords
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToUninvert
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
Mutate(LexItem, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToWordSize
Performs the mutation of this flow component.
MutateLexItem(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgLexItemApi
Performs flow mutation by processing the input term.
MutateToString(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Performs flow mutation by processing the input term and return the result as a string.
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