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2024 Version
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SAME_AS_PREV - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.WildCard
a character symbol for representing a same character as the following character in the string
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.Option
The separator of option levels
SetAcronym(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AcronymRecord
Set the string value of an acronym to current acronym record.
SetAddress(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentListNode
Set the address of the current persistent node.
SetAddress(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTreeNode
Set the address of current persistent tree node at a tree.
SetAntonym1(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym to current antonym record.
SetAntonym2(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym to current antonym record.
SetBitFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskBase
Set the bit value of the specified bit for this object
SetCanonicalId(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.CanonRecord
Set the ID ofcanonicalezed term to current canon record.
SetCanonicalizedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.CanonRecord
Set the string value of canonicalized term to current canon record.
SetCase(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItemComparator
Set the .g for case sensitivity
SetCase(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.LvgComparator
Set the flag of comparing cases in this comparator.
SetCaseFlag(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetCat(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the integer value of category for key form to current antonym record.
SetCat1(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the integer value of category for nominalization to current record.
SetCat1(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the integer value of category for key form to current synonym record.
SetCat2(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the integer value of category for nominalization to current record.
SetCat2(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the integer value of category for synonym to current synonym record.
SetCategory(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntiNormRecord
Set the category to the current antiNorm record.
SetCategory(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.EuiRecord
Set the category to the current inflection record.
SetCategory(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the integer value of category to current record.
SetCategory(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the category to the current inflection record.
SetChild(OptionList<OptionFlag>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.OptionFlag
Set the child of current optionFlag
SetChild(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTreeNode
Set the child's address of current persistent tree node at a tree.
SetChild(Vector<RTrieNode>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RTrieNode
Set the child of the current node.
SetChild(Vector<TrieNode>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.TrieNode
Set the child of the current node.
SetCitationTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the citation term to the current inflection record.
SetCombineRule(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetCurPos(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
Set the current position
SetCurStr(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
Set the current string
SetDerivationFilter(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the derivation output filter
SetDetailInformation(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the detail information of current LexItem.
SetDetails(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
Set the message of detail recursive operations
SetDistance(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the integer value of distance to current record.
SetDomain(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym domain to current antonym record.
SetEui(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntiNormRecord
Set the EUI to the current antiNorm record.
SetEui(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.EuiRecord
Set the EUI to the current inflection record.
SetEui(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the EUI to the current inflection record.
SetEui1(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of EUI1 to current antonym record.
SetEui1(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the string value of eui to nominalization 1.
SetEui2(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of EUI2 to current antonym record.
SetEui2(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the string value of eui to nominalization 2.
SetExcludeCategory(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetExcludeInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetExpansion(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AcronymRecord
Set the string value of an expansion to current acronym record.
SetFieldSeparator(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.GlobalBehavior
SetFilterInputFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetFlagFullName(String, String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.Option
Set the full name of a flag option for a option item
SetFlowComponentNumber(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the flow component number in a flow.
SetFlowHistory(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the string value of flow history to current record.
SetFlowHistory(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the flow history of current LexItem.
SetFlowNumber(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the flow number in pararell flows
SetFullName(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.OptionFlag
Set the fullname of optionFlag
SetInflectedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntiNormRecord
Set the inflected term to the current antiNorm record.
SetInflectedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the inflected term to the current inflection record.
SetInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntiNormRecord
Set the inflection to the current antiNorm record.
SetInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.EuiRecord
Set the inflection to the current inflection record.
SetInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the long value of inflection to current record.
SetInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the inflection to the current inflection record.
SetInflectionFilter(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the inflection output filter
SetKanValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the antonym negation option value.
SetKasValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the antonym source option value.
SetKatValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the antonym type option value.
SetKdnValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the derivation negation option value.
SetKdtValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the derivation type option value.
SetKeyForm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the string value of key form to current synonym record.
SetKeyFormNpLc(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of key form (no puctuations and lower cases) to current antonym record.
SetKeyFormNpLc(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the string value of key form (no puctuations and lower cases) to current synonym record.
SetKssValue(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the synonym source option value.
SetLengthFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.LvgComparator
Set the flag of comparing string length in this comparator.
SetLevel(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTreeNode
Set the level of current persistent tree node at a tree.
SetLowerCasedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the string value of lowercased term to current record.
SetMarkEndFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetMarkEndStr(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetMaxMetaphoneCodeLength(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the maximum Metaphone code length
SetMaxPermuteTermNum(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgFlowSpecificOption
Set the maximum Permutation number for uninflecting words
SetMaxRecursiveNum(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
Set the max limit of recursive number
SetMinTermLength(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Set minimum Trie Length
SetMinTermLength(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTrie
Set the minimum term length
SetMinTermLength(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RamTrie
Set the minimum term length
SetMutateInformation(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the mutate information of current LexItem.
SetNegation(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym negation to current antonym record.
SetNext(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentListNode
Set the address of the next node for the current persistent node.
SetNext(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTreeNode
Set the next address of current persistent tree node at a tree.
SetNominalization1(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the string value of input term, nominalization 1.
SetNominalization2(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.NominalizationRecord
Set the string value of input term, nominalization 2.
SetNoOutputFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetNoOutputStr(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetNormalizedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntiNormRecord
Set the normalized term to the current antiNorm record.
SetOption(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Set the Lvg command for flows.
SetOriginalCategory(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the integer value of original category to current record.
SetOriginalInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the long value of original inflection to current record.
SetOriginalTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the original term of current LexItem.
SetOutCategory(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetOutInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetOutputFieldList(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetOutRecordNum(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetParent(OptionFlag) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.OptionFlag
Set the parent of current optionFlag
SetParent(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.PersistentTreeNode
Set the parent's address of current persistent tree node at a tree.
SetPromptStr(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Set the prompt string.
SetQuitStrList(Vector<String>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.LvgCmdApi
Set a list for quiting the program while using Lvg prompt interface.
SetRecursiveNo(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
Set the recursive no
SetReserveCase(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Api.WordIndApi
A method to set the flag of reserve case after tokenization
SetRule(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItemComparator
Set the comparing rule for this comparator.
SetRules(Vector<InflectionRule>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.TrieNode
Set rules of the current node.
SetShowCategoryStrFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetShowInflectionStrFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetSortFlag(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LvgOutputOption
SetSource(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym source to current antonym record.
SetSourceCategory(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the source categeroy of current LexItem.
SetSourceInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the source inflection of current LexItem.
SetSourceTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the source term of current LexItem.
SetSSource(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the string value of synonym source to current synonym record.
SetSynonym(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Set the string value of synonym to current synonym record.
SetTag(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the tag information of current LexItem.
SetTagInformation(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the long value of tag information to current record.
SetTargetCategory(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the target category of current LexItem.
SetTargetInflection(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the target inflection of current LexItem.
SetTargetTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.LexItem
Set the target term of current LexItem.
SetTokenType(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
Set the token type of this string token object
SetType(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AcronymRecord
Set the string value of type to current acronym record.
SetType(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.AntonymRecord
Set the string value of antonym type to current antonym record.
SetUnInflectedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.CanonRecord
Set the string value of the uninflected term to current canon record.
SetUnInflectedTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.InflectionRecord
Set the uninflected term to the current inflection record.
SetValue(long) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskBase
Set the long value of htis object
SetVariantTerm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.FruitfulRecord
Set the string value of variants term to current record.
SetWildCard(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.TrieTree
Set the boolean flag of the wild card for a trie tree.
ShutdownDb(Connection, Configuration) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbBase
Close a specified connection (session) with a database
SIMPLE_BITS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Inflection
SIMPLE_INFLECTIONS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
simple inflection flow component bit for flow
SINGULAR_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Inflection
sigular bit for inflection: xx (noun)
SmartAddToHead(String, char) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Str
Concatenate the specified character to the beginning of a string.
SmartCat(String, char) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Str
Concatenate the specified character to the end of a string.
SmartCat(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Str
Concatenate the specified string to the end of a string.
SORT_BY_WORD_ORDER - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
sort by word order flow component bit for flow
SP - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.BitMaskOpt
SPACE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Trie.RWildCard
a character symbol for representing a character " "
SPACE_D - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
token type: space token, such as " \t"
SPACE_D_STR - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
delimiter string: space
SpellingVarComparator<T> - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db
This class provides methods to compare spelling variant (inflection records).
SpellingVarComparator() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SpellingVarComparator
SpellingVariant(String, Connection) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSpellingVariants
Get spelling variants from Lvg DB
SPLIT_LIGATURE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
SPLIT_LIGATURES - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
splite ligature flow component bit for flow
SplitLigature(char, Hashtable<Character, String>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToSplitLigatures
Split ligatures for an input character
START_TAG - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
starting tag for unicode symbol name
STOP_WORD_FILE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Configuration
key for the path of stop word file defined in configuration file
Str - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util
This class provides methods of string related operations.
Str() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Str
STRING_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.Option
an abbreviation of a String argument in an option
Strip - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util
This class strip strings and words from a given string.
Strip() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Strip
STRIP_AMBIGUITY_TAGS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip ambiguity tags flow component bit for flow
STRIP_DIACRITIC - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
STRIP_DIACRITICS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip diacritics flow component bit for flow
STRIP_MAP_UNICODE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
Unicode strip or mapping flow component bit for flow
STRIP_NEC_NOS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip NEC and NOS flow component bit for flow
STRIP_PUNCTUATION - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip punctuation flow component bit for flow
STRIP_PUNCTUATION_ENHANCED - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip punctuation, enhanced, flow component bit for flow
STRIP_STOP_WORDS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
strip stop word flow component bit for flow
STRIPABLE_D - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
token type: delimiters that will be striped if it's previous token type is STRIPPED
STRIPABLE_D_STR - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
delimiter string: can be stripped
StripDiacritic(char, Hashtable<Character, Character>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripDiacritics
Strip diacritic for an input character
StripDiacritics(String, Hashtable<Character, Character>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripDiacritics
Strip diacritic for an input string
StripMapUnicodeToAscii(char, Hashtable<Character, String>) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripMapUnicode
Strip or map unicode to ASCII
STRIPPED - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
token type: token is stripped, won't be resotred while restoring
STRIPPING_D - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
token type: delimiters that strip previous chararcter if it's token type is STRIPPED or in a conflict list
STRIPPING_D_STR - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
delimiter string: strip out
StripPunctuation(String) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuation
Strip punctuations from a specified term.
StripPunctuationFromWord(String) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Flows.ToStripPunctuationEnhanced
StripString(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Strip
Strip substrings from a given string.
StripStrings(String, Vector<String>, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Strip
Strip substrings from a given string.
StripToken - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util
This class tokenizes a string into a collection of StrTokenObject.
StripToken() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StripToken
StripWords(String, Vector<String>, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.Strip
Strip words from a given string.
StrTokenObject - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util
This class creates a fundamental string token object for strip function.
StrTokenObject(String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Util.StrTokenObject
Creates a string token object, using token string and token type
SubmitDMLs(String, Configuration) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.DbBase
Submit a query to a specific database.
SUPERLATIVE_BIT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Inflection
superlative bit for inflection: xx (adjv) + est
SYMBOL_MAPPING - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.CoreNormObj
SynonymComparator<T> - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db
This class provides methods to compare synonym records.
SynonymComparator() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymComparator
SynonymRecord - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db
This class defined the data structure of a synonym record.
SynonymRecord() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Db.SynonymRecord
Default constructor for creating a synonym record.
SYNONYMS - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
generate synonyms flow component bit for flow
SYNTACTIC_UNINVERT - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.Lib.Flow
syntactic uninvert flow component bit for flow
SystemOption - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax
This is an abstract class for all systems to use and setup system command line syntax.
SystemOption() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.SystemOption
Create the system option object
systemOption_ - Variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.lvg.CmdLineSyntax.SystemOption
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Lvg Java
2024 Version

Copyright, 2024, National Library of Medicine