Can I restrict my search to a specific project?

You can narrow your search by appending a project name to the search term, separating them with colons. For example, to search for the term “derivation” in the Specialist Lexicon project, search for:


The recognized project names are: lexicon (Specialist Lexicon), lvg (Lexical Tools), cspell (Cspell), lexaccess (LexAccess), ngram (MEDLINE N-gram Set), stmt (Sub-Term Mapping Tools), vtt (Visual Tagging Tools), lexcheck (LexCheck), tc (Text Categorization) and docs (Papers, Reports and Presentations).

Can I search a phrase?

To search for phrases, type the phrase in quotation marks. For example, type "health services research" in quotes in the search box.

Are Boolean searching and wildcards allowed?

The Boolean operators 'OR', 'NOT', and '-' may be used in your query. Using 'AND' is not necessary. All words are searched by default.

The asterisk '*' can be used as a wildcard character.

Boolean Term
OR Use 'OR' when you only need at least one of the search words to appear in the results. Example: "aspirin OR tylenol"
NOT or - Use 'NOT' or '-' when you do not want a particular term to appear in the results. Examples: "heart defects NOT attack" or "heart defects -attack"
* Use '*' as a wildcard to search on all words that contain the letters you enter. You must enter a minimum of three letters plus the '*' character. Example: "mammo*" would find "mammogram" or "mammography" or "mammoplasty"

Is the search case-sensitive?

No, the search engine is not case-sensitive. For example, a search on "Open-I" will also return pages containing "open-i". A search on "aids" will also return pages containing "AIDS".

What do I do if I get a message saying no results found for the search?

There are a few reasons why you could have received this message:

  • Your word may be misspelled and the search engine can't find a substitute for it.
    • For example, if you had typed in "dyabeets" when you meant "diabetes", the search engine won't be able to recognize it.
  • The kind of information you are looking for may not be available from the LHNCBC web site search.