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LexCheck, Java, UTF-8, 2013+ (since 2004)

LexCheck is a software package to check and auto-correct the syntax and contents of Lexical record(s) in the LEXICON based on the technical report of "The SPECIALIST LEXICON". It was originally developed in C. In 2003, the first Java version was released for syntax check. In 2005, the capability of handling UTF-8 lexical records was added to LexCheck. In 2013, enhanced features of content and cross-reference check were added. In 2016, more features were enhanced, such as checking irreg inflVars and duplicated lexRecords and providing output dictionary options, etc.. In 2019, LexCheck is enhanced with features of checking classification type and verb particle construction.

The Java version of LexCheck checks both syntax and content from a flat file (LEXICON). In addition, it provides features of converting lexical records among forms of text, Xml, and Java objects. It also provides features to generate inflection variants from lexical records.

LexCheck is used in the post-process during LEXICON annual released production. It is also integrated in LexBuild to validate lexical records on real-time for quality assurance. It is also used in UMLS-KS server to access lexical records. As a matter of fact, LexCheck is one of the important and fundamental software components in the Lexical Systems family.

Click here to download LexCheck package, 2013+ release!

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