VTT Java
2010 Version

Uses of Class

Packages that use VttObj
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Api This package provides VTT Java APIs classes. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui This package provides VTT GUI classes. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.GuiControl This package provides VTT GUI control classes. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model This package contains all classes for VTT models. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations This package contains all VTT operations. 

Uses of VttObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Api

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Api that return VttObj
static VttObj VttApi.GetLastVttObj()
          Get the last VttObj Java object from VTT.
static VttObj VttApi.GetVttObjAt(int index)
          Get a VttObj Java object from VTT by specifying index.

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Api with parameters of type VttObj
static int VttApi.GetIndexByVttObj(VttObj vttObj)
          Get the index by specifying vttObj Java object.
static void VttApi.Init(VttObj vttObj)
          Initiate VTT with specifying VttObj Java object.

Uses of VttObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui with parameters of type VttObj
protected  javax.swing.JPanel DiffDialog.CreateViewDiffPanel(java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, DiffStats diffStats, VttObj vttObj)
protected  javax.swing.JPanel MarkupsDiffDialog.CreateViewDiffPanel(java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, DiffStats diffStats, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a view difference panel.
protected  javax.swing.JPanel TagsDiffDialog.CreateViewDiffPanel(java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, DiffStats diffStats, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a view difference panel.
 void TagsDialog.HitAdd(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit Add button.
 void MarkupDialog.HitApply(VttObj vttObj)
          Apply button: apply Markup data.
 void TagsDialog.HitApplyQuickKeys(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit button of applying the current tags to quick keys.
 void MetaDataDialog.HitCancel(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit cancel buttons.
 void MarkupDialog.HitCancel(VttObj vttObj)
          Cancel button: close this dialog and ignore Markup data.
 void ZoomDialog.HitDefault(VttObj vttObj)
          Default button: set the zoom factor to default.
 void TagsDialog.HitDelete(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit Delete button.
 void MarkupDialog.HitDelete(VttObj vttObj)
          Delete button: delete the selected markup
 void TagsDialog.HitDisplayAllCategory(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit tab of display all category.
 void TagsDialog.HitDisplayAllName(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit tab of display all name.
 void TagsDialog.HitDisplayNoCategory(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit tab of display no category.
 void TagsDialog.HitDisplayNoName(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit tab of display no name.
 void TagsDialog.HitEdit(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit Edit button.
 void EditTagDialog.HitEditBgColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditBgColor button.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.HitEditBgColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditBgColor button.
 void AddTagDialog.HitEditBgColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditBgColor button.
 void EditTagDialog.HitEditTextColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditTextColor button.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.HitEditTextColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditTextColor button.
 void AddTagDialog.HitEditTextColor(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit EditTextColor button.
 void TagsDialog.HitImport(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit import buttons.
 void TagsDialog.HitMapToQuickKeys(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit button of mapping the current tags to quick keys.
 void TagsDialog.HitMoveDown(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit move down button.
 void TagsDialog.HitMoveUp(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit move up button.
 void FindDialog.HitNext(VttObj vttObj)
          Next button: find the next text.
 void MetaDataDialog.HitOk(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit ok buttons.
 void EditTagDialog.HitOk(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit OK button.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.HitOk(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit OK button.
 void MarkupDialog.HitOk(VttObj vttObj)
          Ok button: save Markup data and close this dialog.
 void AddTagDialog.HitOk(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit OK button.
 void FindDialog.HitPrevious(VttObj vttObj)
          Previous button: find the previous text.
 void MetaDataDialog.HitReset(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit reset buttons.
 void EditTagDialog.HitReset(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit reset button.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.HitReset(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit Reset button.
 void MarkupDialog.HitReset(VttObj vttObj)
          Reset button: reset Markup data.
 void TagsDialog.HitResetQuickKeys(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation to reset quick keys.
 void TagsDialog.HitSave(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit save & import buttons.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.HitSave(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit Save button.
 void TagsDialog.HitSaveAs(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit save as buttons.
 void MetaDataDialog.HitSelect(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit select buttons.
 void TagsDialog.HitSortNameCategory(VttObj vttObj)
          The operation when hit sort name or category button.
 void VttPopupMenu.Show(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt, VttObj vttObj)
          Set VttPopupMenu to be visible (show).
 void MarkupDialog.Show(VttObj vttObj)
          Set this dialog to be visible (show).
 void MarkupsDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, int index, VttObj vttObj)
          Set this dialog to be visible (show).
 void MetaDataDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, int index, VttObj vttObj)
          Set MetaDataDialog to be visible (show).
 void EditTagDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, int srcTagIndex, VttObj vttObj)
          Set EditTagDialog to be visible (show).
 void TagsDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, int index, VttObj vttObj)
          Set TagsDialog to be visible (show).
 void MarkupsDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set this dialog to be visible (show).
 void MetaDataDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set MetaDataDialog to be visible (show).
 void TagsDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set TagsDialog to be visible (show).
 void FindDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set this dialog to be visible (show).
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set ConfigOptionsDialog to be visible (show).
 void AddTagDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set AddTagDialog to be visible (show).
 void ZoomDialog.Show(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set this dialog to be visible (show).
 void MarkupDialog.ToggleShow(VttObj vttObj)
          Toggle show or not-show of this dialog.
 void MetaDataDialog.UpdateGlobalFromGui(VttObj vttObj)
          This method updates from Gui to Global for diaplay filter.
 void TagsDialog.UpdateGlobalFromGui(VttObj vttObj)
          This method updates from Gui to Global for diaplay filter.
 void ZoomDialog.UpdateGlobalFromLocalVars(VttObj vttObj)
          Update global variables from the update of local variables.
 void MarkupsDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and then update GUI.
 void MetaDataDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables.
 void EditTagDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and preview.
 void TagsDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables.
 void FindDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and then update Gui.
 void ConfigOptionsDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and preview.
 boolean MarkupDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and then update GUI.
 void AddTagDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and preview.
 void ZoomDialog.UpdateGui(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI component: local variables and then update GUI.
 void VttMenuBar.UpdateGuiFromControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Update GUI from control variables.
 void MetaDataDialog.UpdateTabs(VttObj vttObj)
          Update all tabs in the dialog.
 void TagsDialog.UpdateTabs(VttObj vttObj)
          Update all tabs in the dialog.
 void MainFrame.UpdateTitle(VttObj vttObj)
          Update VTT title with the name of opened file.

Constructors in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui with parameters of type VttObj
AddTagDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create an AddTagDialog object to add tags by specifying owner and vttObj.
ConfigOptionsDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a ConfigOptionsDialog object to setup configuration option by specifying owner and vttObj.
DiffDialog(java.awt.Window owner, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String typeStr, java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, java.io.File sourceFile, java.io.File targetFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a DiffDialog object to compare text from source and target by specifying owner, title, typeStr, sourceDataStr, targetDataStr, sourceFile, targetFile, vttObj.
EditTagDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create an EditTagDialog object to edit tags by specifying owner and vttObj.
FindDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create an FindDialog object to find a specified text in VTT.
MainFrame(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MainFrame object used in VTT with specifying vttObj.
MainFrame(VttObj vttObj, int x, int y)
          Create a MainFrame object used in VTT with specifying vttObj and x and y position of VTT window.
MainPanel(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MainPanel object used in VTT with specifying vttObj.
MarkupDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MarkupDialog object for the selected Markup.
MarkupsDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MarkupsDialog object for all operations on Markups.
MarkupsDiffDialog(java.awt.Window owner, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String typeStr, java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, java.io.File sourceFile, java.io.File targetFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MarkupsDiffDialog object to compare markups from source and target by specifying owner, title, typeStr, sourceDataStr, targetDataStr, sourceFile, targetFile, vttObj.
MetaDataDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MetaDataDialog object for all Meta Data by specifying owner and vttObj.
TagsDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a TagsDialog object for all tags operations by specifying owner and vttObj.
TagsDiffDialog(java.awt.Window owner, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String typeStr, java.lang.String sourceDataStr, java.lang.String targetDataStr, java.io.File sourceFile, java.io.File targetFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a TagsDiffDialog object to compare tags from source and target by specifying owner, title, typeStr, sourceDataStr, targetDataStr, sourceFile, targetFile, vttObj.
VttMenuBar(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a VttMenuBar object for VTT menu bar.
VttPopupMenu(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a VttPopupMenu object used in VTT with specifying vttObj.
ZoomDialog(java.awt.Window owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create an ZoomDialog object to zoom in/out text in VTT.

Uses of VttObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.GuiControl

Constructors in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.GuiControl with parameters of type VttObj
AddTagDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create an AddTagDialogControl object for adding tags dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
ConfigOptionsDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a ConfigOptionsDialogControl object for config options dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
EditTagDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create an EditTagDialogControl object for editing tags dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
FindDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a FindDialogControl object for finding text dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
KeysControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a KeysControl object for key controller by specifying vttObj.
MarkupDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MarkupDialogControl object for markup dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
MarkupsDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MarkupsDialogControl object for markups dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
MetaDataDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a MetadataDialogControl object for tags dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
MouseControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create an MouseControl object for mouse controller by specifying vttObj.
SelectControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a SelectControl object for VTT selection controller by specifying vttObj.
TagsDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a TagsDialogControl object for tags dialog controller by specifying vttObj.
VttMenuBarControl(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a VttMenuBarControl object for Vtt Menu Bar controller by specifying owner and vttObj.
VttPopupMenuControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a VttPopupMenuControl object for Popup menu controller by specifying vttObj.
WindowControl(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Create a WindowControl object for window controller by specifying vttObj.
ZoomDialogControl(VttObj vttObj)
          Create a ZoomDialogControl object for zoom dialog controller by specifying vttObj.

Uses of VttObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type VttObj
static void VttDocument.CloseFile(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, VttObj vttObj)
          Close the current opened vttDocument.
 int Markups.DecreaseSelectIndex(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Decrease the selected index to the previous display markup, and then return the end position of markup
 int Markups.GetFirstSelectIndex(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Move the selected markup to the first from the beginning and then return the beginning position of the markup.
 int Markups.GetLastSelectIndex(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Move the selected markup to the last from the end and then return the end position of markup.
static Tag VttDocument.GetSelectTag(Tag markupTag, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Get the select tag from vtt Document.
 boolean VttDocument.HasChanged(java.io.File inFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Check if the vtt has been changed by comparing to the orignal inFile.
 int Markups.IncreaseSelectIndex(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Increase the selected index to the next display markup, and then return the end position of markup
protected  void VttGui.InitGui(VttObj vttObj, MainFrame mainFrame)
          Init GUI components
static void VttDocument.SaveFile(java.io.File docFile, VttDocument vttDocument, int vttFormat, VttObj vttObj)
          Save vttDocument to a file.
static java.lang.String VttDocument.ToString(VttDocument vttDocument, int vttFormat, VttObj vttObj)
          Convert vttDocuemt to a string representation in the format of text|Tags|Markup.
static boolean VttDocument.UpdateStyleForMarkups(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Update style for all markups by going through markups and change style on the text/doc.
static boolean VttDocument.UpdateStyleForMarkups(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj, int zoomFactor)
          Update style for all markups by going through markups and change style on the text/doc.

Uses of VttObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations with parameters of type VttObj
static boolean TagOperations.Add(VttObj vttObj, Tag tag)
          Add a new tag.
static void MarkupOperations.BackwardSelectMarkup(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Move the select markup in backward direction.
static boolean MarkupOperations.ChangeSelectMarkupOperation(Markup cur, VttObj vttObj)
          Change the selected (indexed) markup with a specified markup.
static void MarkupOperations.ClearOperation(VttObj vttObj)
          This method clears the markup by using "Text/Clear" tag.
static void FileOperations.CloseOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Close VTT file operations.
static void CompareOperations.CompareToFileOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Compare source VTT file to target VTT file.
static void MarkupOperations.DeleteAllOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Delete all markups operation
static void MarkupOperations.DeleteOperation(VttObj vttObj)
          Delete the selected markup from Markups
static void FileOperations.ExitOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Exit VTT application operations.
static void MarkupOperations.ForwardSelectMarkup(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Move the select markup in forward direction.
static void MarkupOperations.JoinOperation(VttObj vttObj)
          Join selected markup with the next markup to a new markup
static void FileOperations.LoadFileToVtt(java.io.File newFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Load a file to VTT application.
static void FileOperations.OpenFile(java.io.File newFile, VttObj vttObj)
          Open a VTT file operation.
static void FileOperations.OpenOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Open a VTT file operations with a file choose dialog.
static void FileOperations.PrintOperation(VttObj vttObj)
          Print the textPane operations.
static void TagOperations.QuickTagsLoading(VttObj vttObj)
          Load tags from the default specified tags file.
static void UndoOperations.Redo(VttObj vttObj)
          Redo operations for adding, changing, deleting, and joining markups.
static void SelectOperations.ResetHighlight(VttObj vttObj)
          Reset high light.
static void MarkupOperations.ResetSelectMarkup(VttObj vttObj)
          Reset the selected markup.
static void FileOperations.SaveAsOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Save a VTT file to a specified file name operations.
static void FileOperations.SaveOperation(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Save a VTT file operations.
static boolean TagOperations.Set(VttObj vttObj, Tag tag, int index)
          Set the properties of indexed tag to a new tag
static void ConfigOptionsOperations.SetConfig(ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Set the configuration by specifying configObj Java object.
static void MarkupOperations.SetEndSelectMarkup(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Set the select index to the end of displayable markups (end).
static void SelectOperations.SetHighlight(VttObj vttObj, int start, int end)
          Set high light by the specified start and end position.
static void SelectOperations.SetHighlight(VttObj vttObj, Markup markup)
          Set high light by the specified markup.
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetHighlightBackgroundColor(VttObj vttObj)
          Set the color of highlight background.
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetHighlightColors(VttObj vttObj)
          Set the color of highlight.
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetHighlightColors(VttObj vttObj, MainFrame mainFrame)
          Set the color of highlight.
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetHighlightTextColor(VttObj vttObj)
          Set the color of highlight text.
static void MarkupOperations.SetHomeSelectMarkup(boolean showAll, VttObj vttObj)
          Set the select markup to the beginning of displayable markups (home).
static void MarkupOperations.SetSelectMarkup(int curPos, VttObj vttObj)
          Set selected Markup by left mouse click (current position of caret)
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetTextToDefault(VttObj vttObj)
          Set text style to default (reserved tag).
static void TextDisplayOperations.SetupFontSize(javax.swing.JFrame owner, VttObj vttObj)
          Set font size to default.
static void HelpDocOperations.ShowHelpDoc(int startpage, VttObj vttObj)
          Show help documents.
static void SelectOperations.SynchronizCaret(Markup markup, VttObj vttObj)
          Synchronize caret position to the specified markup.
static void TextDisplayOperations.ToggleBold(VttObj vttObj)
          Toggle bold.
static void TextDisplayOperations.ToggleItalic(VttObj vttObj)
          Toggle italic.
static void TextDisplayOperations.ToggleUnderline(VttObj vttObj)
          Toggle underline.
static void UndoOperations.Undo(VttObj vttObj)
          Undo operations for adding, changing, deleting, and joining markups.
static void TagOperations.UpdateCategoryList(VttObj vttObj, java.util.Vector<TagFilter> categoryList)
          Update the category list of all tags.
static void TextDisplayOperations.UpdateFontFamily(java.lang.String fontFamily, VttObj vttObj)
          Update font family.
static void MarkupOperations.UpdateModelessDialog(VttObj vttObj)
          Update Modeless dialog, Markup and Markups dialogs
static void TagOperations.UpdateNameList(VttObj vttObj, java.util.Vector<TagFilter> nameList)
          Update the name list of all tags.
static void MarkupOperations.UpdateOperation(java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String tagCategory, VttObj vttObj)
          Update a selected markup operation by specifying a tag (name and category) includes.
static boolean TextDisplayOperations.UpdateStyle(int mode, VttObj vttObj)
          Update style of text, highlight, & markups (display or not).
static boolean TextDisplayOperations.UpdateStyle(int mode, VttObj vttObj, MainFrame mainFrame)
          Update style of text, highlight, & markups (display or not).

VTT Java
2010 Version

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Copyright © 2010 National Library of Medicine