VTT Java
2010 Version

Package gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model

This package contains all classes for VTT models.


Class Summary
ConfigObj This class provides the Java object for configured variables.
Configuration This class provides a way of storing and retrieving configurations through a Configuration object.
GlobalVars This class defines global variables used in Visual Tagging Tool.
Markup This class is the Markup Java object.
MarkupComparator<T> This class provides methods to compare Markup object.
Markups This class is the collection of Java object Markup.
MetaData This is the Save Information Java object class.
SaveInfo This is the Save Information Java object class.
Str This is the Str Java object class to provide operations on String.
Tag This is the Tag Java object class.
TagComparator<T> This class provides methods to compare Tag objects.
TagFilter This is the Tag filter Java object class.
TagNameCategoryList This is the Tag Name Category List Java object class.
Tags This is the collection of Tag Java objects class.
UndoBase This is the Undo Java object class.
UndoManager This is the undo manager java class which manages the list of Undo Java objects.
UndoNode This is the undo node class.
VttDocument This class is the VttDocument Java object.
VttFormat This is the Vtt Format Java class.
VttGui This class defines global variables used in Visual Tagging Tool.
VttObj This class defines Visual Tagging Tool API.
VttText This class provides methods to format the original text to vtt format.

Package gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model Description

This package contains all classes for VTT models. These model classes are used by VTT applications. This package serves as base models for VTT Tools and is not intended to be used by end users directly. End users may skip this package.


VTT Java
2010 Version

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Copyright © 2010 National Library of Medicine