VTT Java
2010 Version

Package gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui

This package provides VTT GUI classes.


Class Summary
AddTagDialog This class is the GUI dialog for adding a tag.
ConfigOptionsDialog This class is the GUI dialog for setting VTT configuration options.
DiffDialog This class is the GUI dialog for comparing VTT Text difference feature.
EditTagDialog This class is the GUI dialog for editing a selected tag.
FindDialog This class is the GUI dialog for VTT find feature.
MainFrame This class is the GUI main frame Java object used in VTT.
MainPanel This class shows the main panel of VTT.
MarkupDialog This class is the GUI dialog for the selected Markup.
MarkupsDialog This class is the GUI dialog for all operations on markups.
MarkupsDiffDialog This class is the GUI dialog for comparing VTT Markups difference feature.
MetaDataDialog This class is the GUI dialog for all operations on MetaData.
StatusPanel This class is the status panel to show information, including caret position, highlight range, etc.
TagsDialog This class is the GUI dialog for all operations on tags.
TagsDiffDialog This class is the GUI dialog for comparing VTT Tags difference feature.
VttMenuBar This class defines all GUI menu bar setup.
VttPopupMenu This class defines GUI popup menu executed by pressing right mouse button.
ZoomDialog This class is the GUI dialog for VTT find feature.

Package gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Gui Description

This package provides VTT GUI classes. The structure of GUI components is described as follows:


VTT Java
2010 Version

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Copyright © 2010 National Library of Medicine