VTT Java
2010 Version

Uses of Class

Packages that use Tags
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model This package contains all classes for VTT models. 

Uses of Tags in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model that return Tags
 Tags VttDocument.GetTags()
          Get the tags list of Vtt documents.

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type Tags
 void Markups.LoadMarkupsFromFile(java.lang.String inFile, Tags tags)
          Load markups from a file.
static Markup Markups.ReadMarkupFromLine(java.lang.String line, Tags tags, int maxTextPos)
          Read a markup from a string (line), with tags checking.
static Markup Markups.ReadMarkupFromLine(java.lang.String line, Tags tags, int maxTextPos, int verboseType)
          Read a markup from a string (line), with tags checking and verbose type options.
 void VttDocument.SetTags(Tags tags)
          Set the tags list to Vtt document.

Constructors in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type Tags
Markups(java.lang.String inFile, Tags tags)
          Create a Markups Java object by specifying input file and tags.
Tags(Tags tags)
          Create a tags list Java object by specifying tags.

VTT Java
2010 Version

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