VTT Java
2010 Version

Uses of Class

Packages that use Markup
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model This package contains all classes for VTT models. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations This package contains all VTT operations. 

Uses of Markup in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model that return Markup
 Markup UndoBase.GetCur()
          Get current/new markup.
 Markup Markups.GetMarkup(int index)
          Get markup by specifying the index.
 Markup UndoBase.GetPrev()
          Get previous/old markup
 Markup Markups.GetSelectMarkup()
          Get the selected markup.
static Markup Markup.Join(Markup markup1, Markup markup2)
          Join two markups together.
static Markup Markups.ReadMarkupFromLine(java.lang.String line)
          Read a markup from a string (line), without tags checking.
static Markup Markups.ReadMarkupFromLine(java.lang.String line, Tags tags, int maxTextPos)
          Read a markup from a string (line), with tags checking.
static Markup Markups.ReadMarkupFromLine(java.lang.String line, Tags tags, int maxTextPos, int verboseType)
          Read a markup from a string (line), with tags checking and verbose type options.

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model that return types with arguments of type Markup
 java.util.Vector<Markup> Markups.GetMarkups()
          Get the markups.

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type Markup
 void Markups.AddMarkup(Markup markup)
          Add a markup to markups list.
 boolean Markup.Equals(Markup markup)
          Check if this markup equals to the specified markup.
 void Markups.FindSelectIndex(Markup markup)
          Find the select index by specifying the markup
 int Markups.GetIndex(Markup markup)
          get the index of a specified Markup by name (offset and length), This method returns -1 if the specified markup does not exist.
static boolean VttDocument.IsLegalMarkupPos(Markup markup, int maxTextLength)
          Check if the position of the specified markup is legal.
static Markup Markup.Join(Markup markup1, Markup markup2)
          Join two markups together.
 void UndoBase.SetCur(Markup cur)
          Set current markup.
 void Markups.SetMarkupAt(Markup markup, int index)
          Set markup at specified position.
 void UndoBase.SetPrev(Markup prev)
          Set previous markup.
 void Markups.SetSelectMarkup(Markup markup)
          Set a markup to the selected markup on markups list.
static void VttDocument.SetTextStyleByMarkupTag(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, Markup markup, Tag tag, int baseFontSize, int zoomFactor)
          Set text style base on current markup-tag for the text in the markup range change.

Method parameters in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with type arguments of type Markup
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Markups.GetReportStrs(java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> nameCategoryList, java.util.Vector<Markup> markups)
          Get the markup report in a format of line Vector of String.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups)
          Convert specified markups to String.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups, boolean showHeader, boolean showAnnotation)
          Convert specified markups to String with options of showing header and annotation.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups, java.lang.String text, int vttFormat, ConfigObj configObj)
          Convert specified markups to string with specifying text, vtt format, and configuration.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups, java.lang.String text, int vttFormat, ConfigObj configObj, boolean showHeader)
          Convert specified markups to string with specifying text, vtt format, configuration, and flag of showing header.
static void Markups.WriteMarkupsToFile(java.io.BufferedWriter out, java.util.Vector<Markup> markups)
          Write specified markups to a file.

Constructors in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type Markup
Markup(Markup markup)
          Create a Markup Java object by the specified markup.
UndoBase(int action, Markup cur, Markup prev)
          Create a Undo base Java object by specifying action, current markup, and previous markup.
UndoNode(int action, Markup cur, Markup prev)
          Create an undo node Java object with default values.

Uses of Markup in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations with parameters of type Markup
static boolean MarkupOperations.ChangeSelectMarkupOperation(Markup cur, VttObj vttObj)
          Change the selected (indexed) markup with a specified markup.
static void SelectOperations.SetHighlight(VttObj vttObj, Markup markup)
          Set high light by the specified markup.
static void SelectOperations.SynchronizCaret(Markup markup, VttObj vttObj)
          Synchronize caret position to the specified markup.

VTT Java
2010 Version

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