VTT Java
2010 Version

Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigObj
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model This package contains all classes for VTT models. 
gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations This package contains all VTT operations. 

Uses of ConfigObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model that return ConfigObj
 ConfigObj VttObj.GetConfigObj()
          Get Vtt configuration object.

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type ConfigObj
static Tag VttDocument.GetSelectTag(Tag markupTag, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Get the select tag from vtt Document.
static void ConfigObj.SaveFile(java.io.File configFile, ConfigObj configObj)
          Save configObj to file.
 void ConfigObj.SetVarsFromConfigObj(ConfigObj configObj)
          Set configuration variables by specifying a ConfigObj object.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups, java.lang.String text, int vttFormat, ConfigObj configObj)
          Convert specified markups to string with specifying text, vtt format, and configuration.
static java.lang.String Markups.ToString(java.util.Vector<Markup> markups, java.lang.String text, int vttFormat, ConfigObj configObj, boolean showHeader)
          Convert specified markups to string with specifying text, vtt format, configuration, and flag of showing header.
static boolean VttDocument.UpdateStyleForMarkups(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Update style for all markups by going through markups and change style on the text/doc.
static boolean VttDocument.UpdateStyleForMarkups(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj, int zoomFactor)
          Update style for all markups by going through markups and change style on the text/doc.
static void VttDocument.UpdateStyleForText(javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument doc, VttDocument vttDocument, ConfigObj configObj, int zoomFactor)
          Reload and update text style on Vtt document.

Constructors in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Model with parameters of type ConfigObj
ConfigObj(ConfigObj configObj)
          Create a ConfigObj Java object by specifying a ConfigObj object.

Uses of ConfigObj in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations

Methods in gov.nih.nlm.nls.vtt.Operations with parameters of type ConfigObj
static void ConfigOptionsOperations.SetConfig(ConfigObj configObj, VttObj vttObj)
          Set the configuration by specifying configObj Java object.

VTT Java
2010 Version

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