2015 Version
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SetChildren(HashMap<String, TreeNode>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Corpus.TreeNode
Set the value of children.
SetCorpusFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Set the corpus file for Stmt Api object.
SetCuiFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtHtApi
Set the CUI mapping file.
SetDefaultConfigFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetDefaultConfigFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineConfig
SetEndIndex(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.Subterm
Set the end index (position) of the subterm.
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Lsf
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.MapTool
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.NormTool
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Smt
SetLocalDefaultOption() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Lsf
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.MapTool
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.NormTool
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Smt
SetLocalFlagStr() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Lsf
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.MapTool
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.NormTool
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Smt
SetLocalOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
SetLvgConfigFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtHtApi
Set configuration file of LvgApi object.
SetOptionFlags() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetOptionFlags() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetPrompStr(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLine
SetStartIndex(int) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.Subterm
Set the start index (position) of the subterm.
SetSubterm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.PatternElement
Set the term of the pattern element.
SetSubterm(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.Subterm
Set the term (word) of the subterm.
SetSubtermFlag(boolean) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPatternElement
Set the subterm flag of the subterm pattern element.
SetSynonymFile(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Set the synonym file for Stmt Api object.
SetSynonyms(Vector<String>) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Set the synonymous terms of the term of synonym pattern element.
SetSystemOptionFullName(String, String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetTable - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Lib
This program is to used to load Strings to a Set table from a file.
SetToolDescription(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLine
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Lsf
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.MapTool
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.NormTool
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Smt
SetToolInfo() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
SetToolName(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetToolVersion(String) - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetValues() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLine
SetValues() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetValues() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgsConfig
SetValues() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineConfig
SetValuesByCmdLineOptions() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
SetValuesByDefault() - Method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLine
Smt - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools
This class is the command line tool for Synonym Mapping Tool (SMT).
Smt() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Smt
Create a LSF tool object (default).
SmtApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes high level APIs for Synonym Mapping Tool (SMT).
SmtApi() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtApi
Create Smt Api object by default values.
SmtApi(String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtApi
Create Smt Api object by specifying configuration file.
SmtApi(Configuration) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtApi
Create Smt Api object by specifying configuration object.
SmtHtApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes high level APIs for Synonym Mapping Tool (SMT) uses HashTable for concpet mapping.
SmtHtApi() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtHtApi
Create Smt Api object by default values.
SmtHtApi(String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.SmtHtApi
Create Smt Api object by specifying synonym file.
SPACE_STR - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Lib.Globals
space string
Stmt - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools
This class is the command line tool for Sub-Term Mapping Tool (STMT).
Stmt() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
StmtApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes high level core APIs for STMT.
StmtApi() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Create Stmt Api object by default values.
StmtApi(String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Create Stmt Api object by specifying the configuration file.
StmtApi(Configuration) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Create Stmt Api object by specifying the configuration object.
StmtApi(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Create Stmt Api object by specifying the synonym and corpus files.
stmtApi_ - Variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Tools.Stmt
StmtApiApp - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class is the command line tool for Sub-Term Mapping Tool (STMT).
StmtApiApp() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApiApp
Create Stmt Api object by default values.
StmtApiApp(Configuration) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApiApp
Create Stmt Api object by specifying the configuration object.
StrReplace(String, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Lib.Globals
Replace a source subString with a target string in an input string.
Subterm - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm
This program is Java Object for Subterm.
Subterm() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.Subterm
Create a subterm object using default value.
Subterm(String, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.Subterm
Create a subterm object by specifying subterm, stand and end position.
SubtermApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes all sub-term related static methods.
SubtermComparator<T> - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm
This program is Java class for Subterm comparator.
SubtermComparator() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Subterm.SubtermComparator
SubtermPattern - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern
This program is Java Object for subterm pattern.
SubtermPattern() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPattern
Create a subterm pattern by default value.
SubtermPattern(Vector<SubtermPatternElement>) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPattern
Create a subterm pattern by specifying the subterm pattern.
SubtermPatternApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes static methods to convert subterms to subtermPatterns.
SubtermPatternElement - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern
This program is Java Object for subterm pattern element.
SubtermPatternElement() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPatternElement
Create subterm pattern element with default value.
SubtermPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPatternElement
Create subterm pattern element by specifying subterm.
SubtermPatternElement(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SubtermPatternElement
Create subterm pattern element by specifying subterm, starting position, and subterm flag.
synFile_ - Variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
file name of synonyms, the keySet is used for terms of corpus
SYNONYM_FILE - Static variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Lib.Configuration
key for the path of synonym file defined in configuration file
SynonymNorm - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Norm
This program is a java class to nomalized synonyms.
SynonymPattern - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern
This program is Java Object for synonym pattern.
SynonymPattern() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPattern
Create a synonym pattern by default value.
SynonymPattern(Vector<SynonymPatternElement>) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPattern
Create a synonym pattern by specifying the synonym pattern.
SynonymPatternApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class provides static method to convert subterm patterns to synonym patterns.
SynonymPatternElement - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern
This program is Java Object for synonym pattern element.
SynonymPatternElement() - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Create a synonym pattern element by default value.
SynonymPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Create a synonym pattern element by specifying subterm.
SynonymPatternElement(String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Create a synonym pattern element by specifying subterm and start position.
SynonymPatternElement(String, int, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Create a synonym pattern element by specifying subterm, start position, and synonymous terms of the subterm.
SynonymPatternElement(SubtermPatternElement) - Constructor for class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Pattern.SynonymPatternElement
Create a synonym pattern element by specifying subterm pattern element.
Synonyms - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Synonym
This program is used to read normalized term (key) and synonyms (values) from (no duplicates) and load in to a hashtable Hashtable<String, HashSet<String>>.
SynonymsTable - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Synonym
This program is used to load synonyms to synonoym table from files including normalization.
SynonymSubstitutionApi - Class in gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api
This class includes static methods of synonym substitution permutation.
synTable_ - Variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.Api.StmtApi
Hashtable for synonyms mapping
systemOption_ - Variable in class gov.nih.nlm.nls.stmt.CmdLine.CmdLineArgs
A C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V 
2015 Version

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