
  • LexAccess
  • Java, UTF-8


The new version of LexAccess is developed in 100% Java to provide access to information from the SPECIALIST lexicon. This tool is intended to be used as an end tool as well as Java APIs to access information from the SPECIALIST lexicon.

LexAccess takes various query options and returns lexical records. Both plain text and XML format are available in lexAccess. The definition of plain text grammar and XML tags are also refined in this development.

The most frequent usages for the LexAccess are:

  • Retrieve lexical records by terms or EUI
    shell> lexAccess -p        (show prompt and return lexical records in text format)
    shell> lexAccess -p -f:x   (show prompt and return lexical records in xml format)
  • Retrieve lexical records by category
    shell> lexAccess -c:a        (return lexical records with category adjective)
    shell> lexAccess -c:n        (return lexical records with category noun)
    shell> lexAccess -c:all      (return all lexical records)
  • Retrieve base, inflectional variants, spelling variants
    shell> lexAccess -f:b     (return base forms of input)
    shell> lexAccess -f:i     (return all inflectional variants of input )
    shell> lexAccess -f:s     (return all spelling variants of input)

Set Up

Follow the installation instructions to install LexAccess tool and run the program. Check on the following items only if you don't use the LexAccess installation script to install LexAccess tool.

    1. include the LexAccess tool distribution jar file, $LA_DIR/lib/lexAccess2013dist.jar, in your CLASSPATH.
    2. include the lexAccess top directory in your CLASSPATH.

  • HyperSonic Db: include hsqldb.jar (this jar file is included in the lexAccess${YEAR}dist.jar)

  • Configuration File: assign the full path of the top directory of LexAccess2013 to a variable named LA_DIR in the configuration file, data/config/lexAccess.properties

Test Run