Mike Bopf portrait

Mike Bopf, MS

Former Employee

Scientific Computing Branch

Contact Information

Expertise and Research Interests:

Mr. Bopf developed the Web-based Medical Information Retrieval System (WebMIRS), which provides a graphical interface to the NHANES II & III databases of medical survey data and x-ray images. WebMIRS seeks to address a number of critical issues surrounding biomedical data such as use of multimedia, wide-area access, efficient data transmission, and capability to export results to other software applications. He also developed the next generation of WebMIRS, the Multimedia Database Tool (MDT). The MDT provides a layer of abstraction between the application and the medical dataset so that it can handle a wide range of data and images. The initial dataset being used during the development of the MDT is a uterine cervix cancer dataset provided by National Cancer Institute.

Honors and Awards:

Mr. Bopf has received several staff honors over the years. In 2009 he was awarded a Group Award for development of a suite of tools that enable research in cervical cancer, and in 2008 he was a member of the NLM team recognized by Internet2 for developing geography-independent cancer research tools.


Long RL, Antani S, Jeronimo J, Schiffman M, Bopf M, Neve L, Cornwall C, Budihas SC, Thoma GR. Technology for Medical Education, Research, and Disease Screening by Exploitation of Biomarkers in a Large Collection of Uterine Cervix Images. Proc CBMS 2006, June 2006, Salt Lake City, Utah; 826-31.

Jeronimo J, Long R, Neve L, Bopf M, Antani K, Schiffman M. Digital Tools for Collecting Data from Cervigrams for Research and Training in Colposcopy. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2006 Jan;10(1):16-25.

Bopf M, Coleman T, Long LR, Antani S, Thoma GR, Jeronimo J, Schiffman M. An Architecture for Streamlining the Implementation of Biomedical Text/Image Databases on the Web. Proc. 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 2004 June;: 563-69.