Marie Gallagher
Applied Clinical Informatics Branch
Computer Scientist
Expertise and Research Interests:
Marie Gallagher is a Senior Computer Scientist in the Applied Clinical Informatics Branch of the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
She serves on various committees at NLM, including the NLM Strategic Plan Implementation Council. She is also a Project Scientist for the RADx-rad Data Coordination Center. She participates in NLM’s data science activities such as the Data Science Fundamentals Course and the Mentorship Pilot Program. Previously, with the Digital Library Research & Development group, she investigated systems and developed software underlying the Profiles in Science® digital library, for browsing and searching digital reproductions of unique, historical items in the personal manuscript collections of prominent biomedical scientists. Before that, she developed software for the Computer-assisted Curriculum Delivery Systems project, which was designed to teach pathology to second year medical students throughout the world, using computers and videodisc technology. Prior to joining NLM, under contract to the Food and Drug Administration, Ms. Gallagher developed software and managed a database to support biobanking blood samples used to test the reliability of diagnostic tests for HIV-1 and HTLV-1 retroviruses. She also developed software in support of nonlinear optical physics research while she was under contract to the Optical Sciences Division at the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory.
Ms. Gallagher earned her BS degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the College of William & Mary in Virginia.
Honors and Awards:
Ms. Gallagher has received several staff honors throughout the years. In 2000 and 2008, she received the National Institutes of Health Merit Award for her work on Profiles in Science.
Gallagher ME. Improving Software Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Profiles in Science. Archiving. 2013;2013:74-79.Gallagher ME, Moffatt C. The Profiles in Science Digital Library: Behind the Scenes. Proc ACM/IEEE Joint Conf Digit Libr. 2012: 433–434. doi: 10.1145/2232817.2232928.
Gallagher ME. Keeping the Promises Associated with Your Digital Assets: Is it Possible?. In: Archiving 2007 Final Program and Proceedings, pp.146-149, 2007.
Walker FL, Gallagher ME, Thoma GR. PDF File Migration to PDF/A: Technical Considerations. Proc IS&T Archiving 2007. Arlington, Virginia, May 2007; 6-11.
Gallagher ME, Moffatt C. Surviving Change: The First Step Toward Sustaining Your Digital Library. In: J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006.
McCray AT, Gallagher ME. Principles for Digital Library Development. Communications of the ACM. 2001 May; 44(5): 48-54.
McCray AT, Gallagher ME, Flannick MA. Extending the role of metadata in a digital library system. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries, pp. 190-9, 1999.