A user manual and a set of example files are now available on the Download page.
How to run NLM-Scrubber v.18.1231 and newer versions
- Download and unzip the NLM-Scrubber package
- (Skip this step if you're using Windows)
Open a terminal,
Change directory to where the package was unzipped, and
Make the scrubber file executable via the command
chmod 700 scrubber.<version_no>.lnx
- Run the executable
In Windows, double click on file scruber.<version_no>.exe
in Linux, ./scrubber.<version_no>.lnx
How to run earlier versions
- Download NLM-Scrubber executable (for Linux or Windows)
- Create a configuration file using a text editor
- Open a command-line/terminal interface and change the current directory to where you downloaded or moved NLM-Scrubber
- (Skip this step if you're using Windows) Make scrubber file executable (in Linux use: chmod 700 scrubber.lnx)
- Use the following command to run NLM-Scrubber.
In Windows: scrubber.exe <config-file>
In Linux: ./scrubber.lnx <config-file>