Acrylylcarnitine (C3:1) - Analyte/Measurement Details

Names and Codes

LOINC® Long Common Name:1 Acrylylcarnitine (C3:1) [Moles/volume] in Dried blood spot
Analyte Short Name:2 C3:1
LOINC Number:3 53237-4
Units:4 umol/L


(No conditions are associated with the measurement.)



LOINC Long Common Name — derived by the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and CodesExternal Web Site Policy (LOINC®) Committee from the measurement's formal name by using conventional names for analytes and procedures. The long common name eliminates the parts of the formal name that are not needed to distinguish the test from related tests.


Analyte Short Name — an abbreviation for the analyte.


LOINC Number — the unique and permanent code assigned by the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and CodesExternal Web Site Policy (LOINC®) Committee to identify the test measurement. LOINC codes are unique for different test methods and different units of reporting to enable interoperability and comparison of results from different labs. LOINC is a U.S. government standard for electronic health information exchange of laboratory tests and other measurements in Interoperability Specifications produced by the Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP).


Units — what is being counted or measured, using the Unified Code for Units of MeasureExternal Web Site Policy (UCUM). Ratios whose units fully cancel each other are indicated by {Ratio}. UCUM is the US standard for reporting units in laboratory messages. Results that are not quantitative have either a link to the specific LOINC answer list for that analyte or appropriate text (such as "Pos or Neg" or "Specific alleles").

Record created: December 19, 2008
Record last updated: September 14, 2009