Select the subject matter for your view from one of the four following choices. You will be able to customize your choice further when you get to the next Web page.
Step 1. Choose a view:
Conditions or analytes only
Conditions — Lists the conditions that are targeted by newborn screening and their associated genetic and diagnostic codes
Analytes/Measurements — Lists the tests (analytes/measurements) that are used as markers for newborn screening conditions and their Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) name, codes and units of measure or answer lists, as applies
Conditions or analytes along with relationships between them
Conditions and the Analytes/Measurements that serve as markers — Lists the conditions that are targeted by newborn screening and for each condition the analytes or measurements used as markers
Analytes/Measurements and the Conditions they signal — Lists the analytes/measurements that may be included in newborn screening and for each analyte/measure the conditions that it can signal