File Options: When MetaMap is run on the command line,
the default input and output are standard input and output.
MetaMap allows specifying input and output files on the command line,
but the order in which they are specified is important:
% metamap08 [Options] InputFile OutputFile
The InputFile and OutputFile arguments, if specified,
must be the last two arguments. It is not necessary to specify OutputFile,
because the output file will default to <InputFile>.out.
Note that if the output file (whether specified on the command line or not)
is an existing file,
the existing file will be overwritten and its original contents lost.
Note For MMTX Users: Please note the difference with
MetaMap where there are no option flags for specifying the input and
output file names! The input and output file names are specified directly
on the command line without options with Metamap and if no filename is
specified, MetaMap assumes standard in and out.