Lexical Tools

Mutate Panel

As shown in the diagram above, there are four radio buttons and four control buttons in this Mutate panel. The radio button allows users to select an lexical program to mutate the input. These lexical programs include:

  1. Lvg: Lexical Variants Generation program
  2. Norm: Normalization program
  3. LuiNorm: LuiNormalization program which generates one output for one input.
  4. WordInd: Word index program

These buttons should be selected first and then run the program. The four control button includes:

  • Flow Setup:
    This button is enabled only the lvg program is selected. Otherwise, this button is disabled (as shown below).

    A flow setup dialog box is shown (as shown below) once the Flow Setup button is pressed.

  • Run: press this button to run the program and get the lexical mutation results.
  • Options:
    A mutate option dialog (as shown below) is shown up for users to setup mutate options once the mutate option button is pressed.

  • Reset:
    Reset button set the lvg program to be selected, and clean up all previous setup flows.