Lexical Tools

Lvg Input Filter Options

By default, lvg expects to have delimited by end of line characters as its input. It recognizes pipe "|" as field delimiters. If there are piped delimited fields, lvg will assume that the input is fielded and will use the input from the first field as the term to transform. There are options to specify which field to use as the input term or string field.

If given part of speech (category) and/or inflection information, say from a tagger, lvg provides improved transformation of terms. There are options to specify which input fields contain part of speech (category) information and which fields contain inflection information.

The table below lists all input filter options for LVG programs

Origial Flag New Flag Feature Descriptions
cN cf:INT Defines the field to use as the input categories
iN if:INT Defines the field to use as the input inflections
tN t:INT Define the field to use as the input term field (default is 1)

The value of all categories or inflections are assumed if no category or inflection are assigned to the input by -cf and -if options.