Definition of word count
I. What is a word?
II. Word count (How many words in the SPECIALIST Lexicon)?
Category | InflVar - Inflection | Unique word? | Notes |
compl (8) | base (1) | true | |
conj (16) | base (1) | true | |
det (32) | base (1) | true | |
prep (256) | base (1) | true | |
pron (512) | base (1) | true | |
adj (1) | base (1) | false | positive (256) = base (1) |
adv (2) | base (1) | false | positive (256) = base (1) |
verb (1024) | base (1) | false | infinitive (1024) = base (1) |
pres1p23p (262144) | false | infinitive (1024) = pres1p23p (262144) | |
aux (4) | base (1) | false | infinitive (1024) = base (1) |
have - pres123p (2048) | false | have: infinitive (2014) = pre123p (2048) | |
modal (64) | base (1) | false | pres (2097152) = base (1) |
noun (128) | base (1) | false | singular (512) = base (1), e.g. paper, fish, sheep
plural (8) = base (1), e.g. police, fish, sheep |
III. Lexicon Stats