Year | Modifications
2024 |
2023 |
- No change on syntax. However, programs (lexCheck and inflVars-arguments are enhanced to allow exceptions for reg and regd. Exception example (E0539513):
- yak uses regd (reg is an exception)
- yack uses reg (regd is an exception)
2022 |
2021 |
- Add negative tags for prepositions, determiners and conjunctions
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
- All base froms (citation and spelling variants) are sorted in the following order:
- Pure ASCII first
- No punctuation first
- Shorter length first
- By Alphabetic order (character value)
- Citation form is the one on the top of above list
- abbreviation, acronym, and nominalization use EUI (and the associated citationform) for cross reference.
2013 |
2012 |
- Use prepositions from LEXICON for pphr (prepositional Phrase)
- No double pipes with empty data (||) allowed in nom, acr, abb
2011 |
- Base form must be pure ASCII unless none exists (Ex. divorcé: a man who is divorced)
- Add "away from" to preposition list of pphr (prepositional Phrase)
2010 |
- Use base form of citation or spelling variants for the expansion of acronyms and abbreviations
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
- Check ending letter of glrep, group(glreg) for Nouns
- Check ending letter of regd for Verbs and Adjs
2006 |
- Changed the frequency of "NounEntry.Trademark=filler" to "0 ~ many"
- Changed the frequency of "AdvEntry.modification_type=filler" to "1 ~ many"
2005 |
- Added base form to the first field of irreg for noun, verb, adj, and adv
2004 |
2003 |
- Added "PronEntry.variants=free"
- Changed "past(thr_sing,fst_sing)" to "past(fst_sing,thr_sing)"
- Changed "past(thr_sing,fst_sing):negative" to "past(fst_sing,thr_sing):negative"