Text Categorization

STI Output Filter Options

STI provides output filter option for users to show the ST indexing results according to their preference. These options include displaying in cluster, specifying ST candidates, showing no output message, setting display number, setting the round off decimals, and setting the result type. It also provides a detail filtering message for debugging purpose.

The table below lists all output filter options of STI:

  • Output Filter option

    Option FlagFeature Descriptions
    -of:cDisplay ST scores in cluster
    -of:can~STRSpecify ST candidates in jdid or name*
    -of:ci~FLTSpecify cluster increment (default: 0.001)
    -of:cn~INTSet cluster number (default: 5)
    -of:dShow output filter details
    -of:F~INTSpecified the field for output to display
    -of:F~hHelp information for specifying output fields
    -of:hShow output filter help menu
    -of:nShow no output message
    -of:on~STRSet display number (default:10; all)
    -of:r~INTSet the round off decimals (default: 4)
    -of:sbSet type of show result to dc and wc (default)
    -of:sf~STRSet score multiply factor (default:0; auto)
    -of:sdcSet type of show result to dc
    -of:swcSet type of show result to wc
    -of:tdcSet result type to dc (default)
    -of:twc Set result type to wc