
System Overview

I. System tools
  • GNU tomcat web server (6.0.16) is used as the web server.
    • bin: shutdown.sh, startup.sh
    • webapps: WebLexAccess
    • A port number 8100 is used for this web server.
  • GNU ant is used for development and deployment tool.
    • main: Compile Java sources
    • deploy: Compile, deploy application to Java servlets container
    • clean: Delete old build and dist directories
II. Project directory

The directory and file allocations for this project are relatively easy. A brief directory allocation is shown as follows:

+- WebLexAccess
   +- build.xml: used by Ant
   +- src: all Java beans go here
   |  +- global: global usage
   |  +- LexAccess: lexAccess usage
   +- web
   |  +- html
   |  +- images
   |  +- index.html: home page
   |  +- jsp: all page ui & functions
   |  |
   |  +- WEB-INF
   |  |  +- classes
   |  |  +- lib: application resources jar files
   |  |  +- web.xml: project web parameters setup
III. Naming convention

Naming convention is not strictly enforced in this project due to the limited development time. However, the naming convention for files can be summarized as follows:

  • XXX.jsp: a jsp generates html page (with GUI).
  • setXXX.jsp: a jsp which handle the form request from XXX.jsp (POST)
  • getXXX.jsp: a jsp which handle the hyper link request (GET).