
Build & Deploy Procedures

I. Development Site

The development site is at "lexlx1:/${DEVELOPMENT}/LA/WebLexAccess.${YEAR}". JSP and Java source codes are developed here. Apache Ant tool is used to compile and deploy. The build command and procedures are described as follows:

> ant help

     [echo]   targets:
     [echo]   ----------------------------------------------------------------
     [echo]   main       compile
     [echo]   deploy     compile, deploy to the web server
     [echo]   clean      delete build directory
     [echo]   compile    build classes to build directory
     [echo]   ----------------------------------------------------------------

II. (Unit) Testing Site

After the deployment, all necessary files are deployed to the testing web site under Tomcat server at "lexlx1:/export/home/lu/www/Tomcat/tomcat/webapps/WebLexAccess.${YEAR}"

If the changes involved with Java source code, the Tomcat server need to be restarted. To start the Apache Tomcat web server, following commands are used:

> cd /usr/local/bin
> sudo tomcatShutdown.6.0.16.sh
> sudo tomcatStartup.6.0.16.sh

Otherwise, just deploy it to testing site and the function will be updated when browser reload it.

III. Deploy Site

After testing, the Lexical web tools can be simply deployed to Deploy site at "/net/lexdev/${TOMCAT}/webapps/WebLexAccess.${YEAR}/" by following steps:

  • cd /net/lexdev/${TOMCAT}/webapps
  • rm -r WebLexAccess.${YEAR}
  • cp -rp /${TOMCAT}/webapps/WebLexAccess.${YEAR} .
  • cd /WebLexAcces.${YEAR}/WEB-INF
  • rm web.xml
  • mv web.xml.lexdev web.xml
  • re-start tomcat server (To start the Tomcat web server, user must login to lexlx1).