Legacy program - lcat
One of the major requirements of the new version of LexAccess is to provide same feature of a legacy program, lcat. This page describes the functional options of "lcat".
> lcat -ch =========================================================== The -c option is used to specify the lexical category(ies) of the entries to be output. The argument specifies the OR'ing of one or more categories that the entry can belong to. This option can be multiply specified. If it is, entries are output only if they satisfy *all* the constraints (i.e., multiple -c arguments are AND'ed). The option can have the values: a (adj), b (adv), x (aux), c (compl), j (conj), d (det), m (modal), n (noun), p (prep), r (pron), v (verb) If unspecified, then the result is the OR'ing of all categories, i.e., the category check is not applied. Examples: 1) Extract all base forms of either nouns OR verbs: lcat -c nv -pb 2) Extract the keys of records that are both adj AND adv: lcat -ca -cb -pk > lcat -ph =========================================================== The -p option is the print option that specifies what type of output is desired. It can be one of: r: Print matching SPECIALIST record. This option prints all the records in the lexicon once. b: Print only base forms. s: Print only base forms or spelling variants. k: Print all keys in the index, i.e., including base forms, spelling variants, inflections, and keys. i: Print the entire index entry including the flags (encoding entry type) and the offset of the record pointed to. The default is -pr, i.e., the matching record. For example: 1) To list the current lexicon: lcat 2) To print all the base forms in the lexicon, use: lcat -pb 3) To print all the keys in the index: lcat -pk =========================================================== a (adj), b (adv), x (aux), c (compl), j (conj), d (det), m (modal), n (noun), p (prep), r (pron), v (verb)
Options comparison:
Changed options from lcat | ||
lcat | LexAccess | Notes |
-ca | -c:a | specify category to adj |
-cb | -c:b | specify category to adv |
-cc | -c:c | specify category to compl |
-cd | -c:d | specify category to det |
-cj | -c:j | specify category to conj |
-cm | -c:m | specify category to modal |
-cn | -c:n | specify category to noun |
-cp | -c:p | specify category to prep |
-cr | -c:r | specify category to pron |
-cv | -c:v | specify category to verb |
-cx | -c:x | specify category to aux |
-h | -h | Help menu |
-pb | -p:b | print base form |
-pk | -p:i | print inflectional variants |
-pr | -c:all | specify category to all |
-ps | -p:s | print base form or spelling variants |
-t <separator> | -s:STR | specify separator |