
LexAccess Algorithm

There are two types of query, by an EUI or inflected term. They are detailed as follows:

I. By an Eui

The lexical records can be retrieved by simply used a SQL query command if the input is a EUI.

  • input is an EUI
  • SELECT lexRecord from LEXICON where eui = "exxxxxxx";
  • Transfer the result into Xml if the option is selected.

II. By an inflected term

In case of the input is inflected term, all EUIs need to be retrieved first and then the Lexical records are retrieved by the Euis.

  • input is an inflected term.
  • SELECT eui from INFL_VARS where inflVar = "xxx"
  • Unify retrieved EUIs (remove duplicated EUIs)
  • Retrieve all lexical records for all retrieved EUIs.
  • SELECT lexRecord from LEXICON where eui = "exxxxxxx";
  • Transfer the result into Xmls if the option is selected.