Annual Release Procedures
This page describes annual release procedures for lexAccess tools software with new set of THE SPECIALIST LEXICON data. LexAccess features are stable and no new software is planned to release after 2023. Accordingly, only
databasea updates are needed for annual updates. All other steps are used for references and not required.
- WwwLexAccess-p web site for new contents
- lexAccess-p baseline
- loadDb
- Installation Program
- Modify java source codes
- ${LA_DIR}/install/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexAccess/install/Setup/
- Modify scripts under ${LA_DIR}/install/bin/* (${PRE_YEAR} -> ${YEAR})
- Complete SCRs for current ${YEAR} release
- modify version (lexAccess.${YEAR}) in file of ${LA_DIR}/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexAccess/Api/
- modify LA_JAR_FILE (lexAccess${YEAR}api.jar) in file of ${LA_DIR}/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexAccess/Tools/GuiTool/Model/
- modify VERSION_STR (${YEAR}) in file of ${LA_DIR}/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexAccess/Tools/GuiTool/Model/
- modify LA_VERSION (LexAccess, ${YEAR}) in file of ${LA_DIR}/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexAccess/Tools/GuiTool/Gui/
- Build & Test (Complete the software part)
- shell> ant release
- release test (install to ${PROJECTS})
- go through unit test
- Update other software components
- Update web documents
- update ${YEAR} in *.html
- update directory of ${LA_YEAR}/release/
- update directory of ${LA_YEAR}/docs/userDoc/
- update directory of ${LA_YEAR}/docs/userDoc/install/
- releaseNotes.html
- install.html
- config.html
- mySql.html
- Update web tools
- Compile (see above) & Test
- Compile & pack
- Generate pure ASCII Database (for MetaMap Project)
- Rename tables to tables.utf8 in ${LA_DIR}/data/
- generate and copy 4 ASCII andfiles to ${LA_DIR}/data/tables.ascii
- shell> cd ${LA_PRE_DIR}/bin
- shell> 3.GenerateAsciiDbFiles ${YEAR}
- Rename HSqlDb to HSqbDb.utf8 in ${LA_DIR}/data/
- Reload database
- shell> cd ${LA_DIR}/loadDb/bin
- shell> 2.LoadDb ${YEAR}
- Rename HSqlDb to HSqbDb.ascii in ${LA_DIR}/data/