Interactive Publications Research: A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors.
Thoma GR, Antani S, Ford GL, Chung M, Vasudevan K
September 2005 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.
An Interactive Publication (IP) is a self-contained multimedia document that enables the reader to: (a) view any of these objects on the screen; (b) hyperlink from one object to another; (c) interact with the objects in the sense of exercising control over them (e.g., start and stop video); (d) reuse the media content for analysis and presentation. Our long term objective is to develop open source and platform-independent tools and procedures for authors or publishers to create and disseminate interactive publications (IP). These tools and procedures are to be evaluated in terms of ease of use, adherence to established document standards (and if existing standards are inadequate, to contribute to establishing suitable ones.) Further, we intend to evaluate the role of IPs in enhancing comprehension and learning, and helping readers better assess the research reported in the publication. Our short term objective is to demonstrate the creation and use of IPs built on existing developmental platforms, viz., Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, Flash and HTML.
Thoma GR, Antani S, Ford GL, Chung M, Vasudevan K. Interactive Publications Research: A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors.
September 2005 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.