Experience in Integrating Large RDF-based Biomedical Knowledge Resources with Oracle [Abstract].
Zeng K, Bodenreider O
Proc 8th International Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting 2007:(electronic proceedings: http://www.olsug.org/wiki/images/d/d1/Kelly_Zheng.pdf)
Biomedical research often requires the integration of multiple information sources. For example, biological and clinical resources are integrated to support translational research typically. Such information sources are generally large, heterogeneous and not directly machine-processable. We propose to use the Resource Description Framework (RDF) for representing biomedical knowledge and to integrate into Oracle the large quantities of RDF triples resulting from the conversion of existing knowledge bases. This work is a pilot contribution to the Biomedical Knowledge Repository under development at the U.S National Library of Medicine as part of the Advanced Library Services project.
Zeng K, Bodenreider O. Experience in Integrating Large RDF-based Biomedical Knowledge Resources with Oracle [Abstract].
Proc 8th International Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting 2007:(electronic proceedings: http://www.olsug.org/wiki/images/d/d1/Kelly_Zheng.pdf)