Queue: PublicMetaMap
Subject: Error encountered in metamap.
Status: open
Created: Wed Jul 03 09:09:08 2013
Resolved: Not set
LastUpdated: Wed Jul 03 09:10:13 2013

Subject: Error encountered in metamap.
Creator: 28
Created: 2013-07-03 13:09:08
Transaction: 1957
Parent: 0
ContentType: text/plain
ContentEncoding: none

Content: Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 18:17:13 +0530
         Subject: Error encountered in metamap.
         From: rohit sebastian <[email redacted]>
         To: <[email redacted]>
         Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="001a11c2e1126575f804e09adc20"
         Return-Path: [email redacted]
         X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: CASHTV08.nih.gov
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         X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AVStamp-Mailbox: MSFTFF;1;0;0 0 0
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         I have created an application in java that retrieves phrases (of max length
         of 3) from a mysql database and inputs these names to metamap using the
         java api. It then stores the scores of the mapping. There are about 200
         different names and they are given as input one after the other. After a
         few iterations I get the following error.
         ERROR in calling socket_client_open for Tagger Server on host localhost and
         port 1795:
         I've googled the error and most of the solutions i've encountered involves
         changing the   open file limit number (ulimit) to a greater value. Some of
         the solutions also involve changing the file-max parameter (fs.file-max) to
         a greater value. I have tried both these solutions independently and
         together but this error keeps on appearing.
         Do you know what the problem could be?

Creator: 28
Created: 2013-07-03 13:10:13
Transaction: 1961
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/html
ContentEncoding: none

Content: Replyed to user:

I have a couple of questions, what version of MetaMap are you using? And are you retaining the Java API instance (MetaMapApiImpl) and making multiple calls to processCitationsFromString using that instance?

Also, what version of Linux or Mac OS/X are you using?

Willie Rogers