Queue: PublicMetaMap
Subject: Application Error box after MM server being called 1800 times
Status: stalled
Created: Fri Sep 28 14:00:16 2012
Resolved: Not set
LastUpdated: Thu Nov 14 14:36:47 2013

Subject: Applicaiton Error box after MM server being called 1800 times
Creator: 28
Created: 2012-09-28 18:00:16
Transaction: 340
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/plain
ContentEncoding: none

         >Category: mmtxT
         >Synopsis: Applicaiton Error box after MM server being called 1800 times
         >Confidential: no
         >Severity: serious
         >Priority: medium
         >Class: sw-bug
         >Submitter-Id: mmtxWeb
         >Operating System - MetaMap: 
         >OS Version - 64 bit
         >Java Version - Java 1.7
         >MySQL Version - 
         Our script calls MM server for each note to be process from the pipeline (XML output). After 1800 notes and few hours, a pop up window appeared:
         metamap12.BINARY.x86-win32-nt-4 - Application Error
         The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417)
         occured in the application at location 0x71f8ae6e.
         Click on OK to terminate the program
         Click on CANCEL to debug the program

Creator: 28
Created: 2012-09-28 18:44:37
Transaction: 344
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/html
ContentEncoding: none

Content: In your description you mention a pipeline (XML output).   Are you using UIMA or GATE?    I was going to try to re-produce the problem on one of the Windows machines we have here.    And the notes you mention are clinical notes?

Subject: [PublicMetamap #29] Applicaiton Error box after MM server being called 1800 times 
Creator: 1
Created: 2012-09-28 18:44:56
Transaction: 345
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/plain
ContentEncoding: none

Content: In your description you mention a pipeline (XML output). Are you using UIMA or
         GATE? I was going to try to re-produce the problem on one of the Windows
         machines we have here. And the notes you mention are clinical notes?

Subject: [PublicMetamap #29] Applicaiton Error box after MM server being called 1800 times 
Creator: 1
Created: 2012-09-28 18:44:56
Transaction: 346
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/plain
ContentEncoding: none

Content: In your description you mention a pipeline (XML output). Are you using UIMA or
         GATE? I was going to try to re-produce the problem on one of the Windows
         machines we have here. And the notes you mention are clinical notes?

Creator: 28
Created: 2012-10-01 13:16:02
Transaction: 349
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/html
ContentEncoding: none

         From the user:
         Yes, Clinical notes and by pipeline I meant a directory of pre-processed clinical texts. Our script goes through raw clinical texts, identifies section (past medical history) and relevant body and then send the narrative block (body) to MetaMap to generate an XML file. 
Creator: 28
Created: 2012-10-01 13:16:21
Transaction: 351
Parent: 0
MessageId: [email redacted]
ContentType: text/html
ContentEncoding: none

Content: From the user (requestor):

         I tested it again and monitored the process to narrow down the cause and I think it's a memory issue. 
         I redid the process and closed all my apps and made sure nothing was running except the script that calls MetaMap. My machine is a Windows 7 64 bit with 16 GB RAM. I monitored the memory usage and noticed the process starts with 2 Gb of RAM and goes up in few hours to 12 Gb. I terminated the process after 1000 notes processed before getting the pop up error window though. 
         I replicated the test on a 32 bit Ubuntu on VirtualBox with 8 Gb of RAM and on the same set of data. The job was finished successfully without any error after processing 4500 notes. In windows I got the error after 1800 notes was processed.