Lexical Tools

Input Panel

As shown in the diagram above, there are four GUI components in this input panel:

  1. Input text field:
    Allows users to input a term for mutation. The input can be a field separated line. The term in the specified field will be used as the input term for lexical mutation. The default field number is 1.

    This field becomes none-editable and displays the input file path while the input source is selected as file.

  2. Options button:
    An input option dialog (as shown below) is shown up for users to setup input options after the options button is pressed.

  3. Reset button:
    Following setting are proceeded:
    • Set the input LexItem: term to a blank string, category and inflections to all
    • Set checkbox of Category and Inflection to true and others to false in the input option dialog.
    • Set input source to the screen.

  4. Details button:
    Show a dialog for users to view detail information for the input LexItem if input source is screen

    Show a dialog to notify users that the input source is a file.