Lexical Tools

Retrieve Category and Inflection - for term begin with the given word

  • Short Description: Retrieve category and inflection information for all terms that begin with the given word.

  • Full Description:

    Retrieve category and inflection information for a given term using the input term as a word prefix for a word prefix search. This option appends the agreement information to the information fields that follow Lvg's standard output. The information fields are filled with the row from the inflection and agreement table (Inflection table) from which the lookup was made.

    The results are sorted by case insensitive alphabetical order, category, inflection, and EUI.

    The additional information is put on the end of Lvg's standard output fields if the -m flag is specified. The format of the additional fields is:

    EUI|Inflected term|Category|Inflection and Agreement|Citation form|Base form|

  • Difference:
    1. The inflection database tables are different between Java and C version. Accordingly, results will be different.
    2. The schemes of inflection and category are different between Java and C version.
    3. The new version does not add detail information at the end of each output record. However, these information can be obtained with -m option.

  • Features:
    1. Retrieve inflected term begin with the given term from database.

  • Symbol: Lp

  • Examples:
    shell> lvg -f:Lp -m
    More examples

  • Implementation Logic:
    1. Retrieve term begin with the given term from Inflection table in the database.
    2. Sort the results by case insensitive alphabetical order, category, inflection, EUI.

  • Source Code: ToRetrieveCatInflBegin.java

  • Hierarchy: Object -> Transformation -> ToRetrieveCatInflBegin