Lexical Tools

Sources of 2020 new SD-Rules

11 SD-Rules are proposed to be evaluated and added to 2020 release. They are from expert's suggestions and computer generation as described bellows:

  • Linguist's domain (Expert's suggestions):
    such as from Lexicongraphers and NLP users, 2 SD-Rules are suggested in this category for evaluation.

    • OTHERS:
      Suggested RulesExamples
      • human|noun|humanoid|noun
      • human|adj|humanoid|adj

  • Computation Linguistics' domain: (TBD)
    from known suffixDs, utilize computer programs to retrieve high frequency SD-rules. The SD-Rules derived from the program are root parent-rules (SD-Rule without parent rules). Two sets of known suffixDs (nomD and orgD) are used to select 9 SD-Rules as follows:
    • NOM_D:
      Derived Rules from NomDExamples
      • proposal|noun|E0050434|propose|verb|E0050435
      • analysis|noun|E0008792|analyze|verb|E0008797
      • extendability|noun|E0226485|extendible|adj|E0226484
      • generalisable|adj|E0029524|generalizability|noun|E0029523
      • visualisability|noun|E0558796|visualizable|adj|E0231379

    • ORG_FACT:
      Derived Rules from OrgDExamples
      • inflammation|noun|E0034471|inflammatory|adj|E0034472
      • orthopedic|adj|E0044255|orthopedics|noun|E0044256
      • editor|noun|E0024518|editorial|adj|E0024520
      • link|verb|E003765|linkage|noun|E003765