Lexical Tools

SD-Rule Transaction Details: 2016 to 2017

The detail transaction of SD-Rules are described as below:

  • The following table shows the transcation on the 11 new propsoed SD-Rules in 2017.

    Computer Generated SD-Rules
    IDProposed New RuleSourceResultsRank & Rule 2016Rank & Rule 2017TypeCount ChangeAccu. Count
    01-CG1sation$|noun|zed$|adjnomDGoodNone5: sation$|noun|zed$|adj New in 2017+183
    02-CG2ed$|adj|zation$|nounnomDGoodNone6: ed$|adj|zation$|nounNew in 2017+184
    03-CG3$|noun|tous$|adjorgDGoodNone28: $|noun|tous$|adjNew in 2017+185
    04-CG4$|noun|y$|nounorgDGood39: graph$|noun|graphy$48: h$|noun|hy$|nounParent-1-Child+085
    05-CG5sity$|noun|us$|adjnomDGood53: osity$|noun|ous$|adj58: osity$|noun|ous$|adjParent-1-Child+085
    06-CG6e$|verb|tion$|nounnomDGoodNone59: e$|verb|tion$|nounNew in 2017+186
    07-CG7ous$|adj|y$|nounnomDGood68: ous$|adj|y$|noun72: ous$|adj|y$|nounDuplicate+086
    08-CG8$|noun|ish$|adjorgDBadNone88: $|noun|ish$|adjNew in 2017+086
    09-CG9$|noun|fully$|advorgDBadNone118: $|noun|fully$|advNew in 2017+086
    Expert-Suggested SD-Rules
    10-ES1er$|noun|ress$|nounExpertsBadNone95: er$|noun|ress$|nounNew in 2017+086
    11-ES2$|noun|ty$|adjExpertsBadNone97: $|noun|ty$|adjNew in 2017+086

    All 82 good SD-Rules in 2016 are evaluated as good rules in 2017. They could be identical, or replaced by the parent-rules or child-rules.

  • Good SD-Rules count in Optimal Set:
    • 2016 has 82 good rules while 2017 has 86 good rules in optimate set:
    • From the evaluation, 6 of 11 new rules are good (4 bad; 1 duplicated). Why is the total number of good SD-Rule only increased by 4 (from 82 to 86), not 88 (82 + 6)? It is because:
      • 2 of good new rules are the parent-rule of 1 existing rules (+0).
      • 4 new rules have no parent-child relationshion with existing rule (+4)

      • So, tolal change is 6-2 = 4.

  • Good Rules comparison (2016-2017):
    No Change8080...
    Good Rule turn bad00N/A
    39: graph$|noun|graphy$48: h$|noun|hy$|noun
    53: osity$|noun|ous$|adj58: sity$|noun|us$|adj
    New in 201704
    • 5: sation$|noun|zed$|adj
    • 6: ed$|adj|zation$|noun
    • 28: $|noun|tous$|adj
    • 59: e$|verb|tion$|noun

  • In our process, we only analyze parent-child hierachy for those SD-Rules has parent-child relationship co-exist in the collected set because it is very expensive (time comsuming) to evaluate all parent-child rules. Shoule we modify the processes as:
    • Normalize all SD-Rules to it's root-parent-rule.
    • Analyze parent-child-hieracy for all SD-Rules.

    in 2017, we spent 2 weeks to evaluated 17 parents rules. If we modify to this process, there will be 101 parents rules, very expensive!!

The conclusion is the optimized set of SD-Rules is very steady as we expected. We believe this is one of the component that implies that Lexicon is a good representative subset of general English.