Lexical Tools

Procedure to Generate Diagram of optimized set

This page describes hwo to generate the diagram for optimal set:

  • Copy the results of optimal set toPC
    • shell> cd ${SUFFIX_D}/data/${YEAR}/dataR/SdRulesOptimum/14.esis-ic
    • shell> cp sdRules.stats.out.14.3.csv to PC
  • Save sdRules.stats.out.14.3.csv to *.Excel Work Sheet
  • Add inew sheet [Avg] in sdRules.stats.out.14.3
    • Calculate 3 point, 5 point, and 7 point average for SP (system precision) and SR (system recall).
  • Insert diagram:
    • Select data from SP and SR
    • INSERT -> [Line with Makers] diagram
    • Move the diagram to new sheet [Diagram]
    • Edit Curves:
      • Select curve
      • [Line & Fill]->[LINE]->[Solid line]->[Color]
      • [Line & Fill]->[MARKER]->[FILL]->[No fill]
      • [Line & Fill]->[MARKER]->[BORDER]->[No line]
    • Edit Legend:
      • Select and move to right position
      • [Select Data]->[Edit]->[Series name]->[OK]
    • Edit Y Axis:
      • [Format Axis...]->[Axis Options]->[Maximum]->[1.0]
      • [Format Axis...]->[Axis Options]->[Major]->[0.05]
      • [Format Axis...]->[Fill & line]->[LINE]->[Color]
    • Edit X Axis:
      • [Format Axis...]->[Axis Options]->[TICK MARKS]->[Interval]->[5]
      • [Format Axis...]->[Axis Options]->[TICK MARKS]->[Major Type]->[Cross]
      • [Format Axis...]->[Axis Options]->[LABELS]->[Interval]->[5]
      • [Format Axis...]->[Fill & line]->[LINE]->[Color]