Lexical Tools

Instant DB


InstantDB is a 100% Java[tm], Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). It is free to non-commercial and non-government organizations. In April of 2000, InstantDB was purchased by Lutris Technologies, an Open Source Enterprise Software and Services company. Lutris is committed to introducing InstantDB to the Open Source community, and to making it the leading Open Source Java[tm] database. Lutris Technologies is the primary sponsor of Enhydra.org, the home of the Enhydra Java[tm]/XML application server, the leading Open Source web application server.


  • Features supported include joins, transactions, triggers, sub-elect, table aliasing and much more that you wouldn't normally expect to find in a free RDBMS.
  • It is 100% pure Java database. Thus, it is easy for distribution.


  • It is free under its license.
  • Instant DB can be used up to 1 million in a table.

Usage Summary

  • Modify property file ("sample.prp") for establishing database.
  • Edit schema file ("xxx.scm") to define table fields.
  • Use script ("xxx.sct") to establish table.
  • Use script ("xxx.sct") to import records.
  • Use script ("xxx.sct") to check tables.
  • Use JDBC in Java to perform database query (after DB, tables, records are all established).


Please refer to Instant DB Web site.

Script Syntax & Usage

  • Script is use with sample class => java sample xxx.sct
  • schema file:
    1. is used to define fields in a table.
    2. [xxx.txt]: where xx.txt is the record import source.
    3. Format=DELIMITED(|): use "|" as field delimiter.
  • script file:
    1. d: jdbc.idbDriver; => load JDBC driver
    2. o: jdbc:idb=sample.prp; => open a data base
    3. e: DROP TABLE umls; => execute a SQL command - drop a table.
    4. e: IMPORT umls FROM "umls99.simple" USING "umls99.scm"; => import record.
    5. q: SELECT * from UMLS where cui = "C0000370"; => perform query
    6. c: close; => close database