Lexical Tools

Word size filter

I. Lvg Command:

shell> lvg -f:ws~3 -F:1:2

II. Test Cases:

Academy of Physical Medicine|Academy Physical Medicine
American Association on Mental Deficiency|American Association Mental Deficiency
American College of Apothecaries|American College Apothecaries
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene|American Society Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
cancer, lung|cancer, lung
Cancer, Lung|Cancer, Lung
Lung Cancer|Lung Cancer
lung cancer|lung cancer
school nursing|school nursing
nursing school|nursing school
school nursing|school nursing
neck pain|neck pain
pain in the neck|pain the neck
pain neck|pain neck
post partum|post partum
Cyclic AMP, 8-Bromo|Cyclic AMP, 8-Bromo
Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital|Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital
Alzheimer's disease, unspecified|Alzheimer's disease, unspecified
Monkeys, Capuchin|Monkeys, Capuchin
Mole, hydatidiform, invasive|Mole, hydatidiform, invasive
Lung lung Lung|Lung lung Lung
Cyclic AMP, 8-Bromo|Cyclic AMP, 8-Bromo