Lexical Tools

Replace punctuation with space

I. Lvg Command:

shell> lvg -f:o -F:1:2

II. Test Cases:

2-aryl-1,3-dithiolane|2 aryl 1 3 dithiolane
ASCII punctuation: - ({[ )}] _ !@#%&*\:;"',.?/ ~+=<> $ `^|ASCII punctuation                                        
non-ASCII punctuation: «´»÷ǀǃʹʺʼ˄ˆˈˋˍ˜̀́̂̂։׀׃٪٭‐‑‒–—―‖‗‘’‚‛“”≤≥〝〞|non ASCII punctuation  « » ǀǃʹʺʼ ˆˈˋˍ ̀́̂̂             ‘’ ‛“”    
Fri Aug  7 12:29:41 EDT 1998|Fri Aug  7 12 29 41 EDT 1998
8/7/98|8 7 98
1.23 mg |1 23 mg 
This is the end of a sentence.|This is the end of a sentence 
St. John's was a wonderful town.|St  John s was a wonderful town 
1H-Purine, 6-((1-methyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-yl)thio)-|1H Purine  6   1 methyl 4 nitro 1H imidazol 5 yl thio  
Ethanone, 2-(6-(2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl)-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl)-1-phenyl-, (2R-(2alpha,6alpha(S*)))-|Ethanone  2  6  2 hydroxy 2 phenylethyl  1 methyl 2 piperidinyl  1 phenyl    2R  2alpha 6alpha S     
breast-feeding|breast feeding
breast feeding|breast feeding
1. Computer Room.|1  Computer Room 
2. Conference Room.|2  Conference Room 
(703) 398-2341| 703  398 2341
3'Azido-3'deoxythymidine|3 Azido 3 deoxythymidine