Global Behavior Option - Option Structure
Returns the hierarchy structure of lvg system options.
shell> lvg -hs - cf --- INT (Input_Category_Field) - C --- INT (Case_Setting) - ccgi (Mark_The_End) - ci (Show_Config_Info) - CR --- o (Combine_By_Output_Term) --- oc (Combine_By_Category) --- oe (Combine_By_Eui) --- oi (Combine_By_Inflection) - DC --- LONG (Specify_Categories) - DI --- LONG (Specify_Inflections) - d (Detail_Operations) - EC --- LONG (Exclude_Categories) - EI --- LONG (Exclude_Inflections) - F --- INT (Output_Field) --- h (Output_Field_Menu) - f (Flow) --- 0 (Strip_NEC_NOS) --- A (Acronyms) --- An (AntiNorm) --- a (Expansions) --- B (Uninflect_Words) --- Bn (Normalize_Uninflect_Words) --- b (Uninflect_Term) --- C (Canonicalize) --- Ct (Citation) --- c (Tokenize) --- ca (Tokenize_Keep_All) --- ch (Tokenize_No_Hyphens) --- d (Derivation) --- dc ----- LONG (Derivation_By_Category) --- e (Base_From_Spelling_Variants) --- E (Retrieve_Eui) --- f (Filter_Output) --- fa (Filter_Out_Acronym) --- fp (Filter_Out_ProperNouns) --- G (Fruitful_Variants) --- Ge (Fruitful_Variants_Enhanced) --- Gn (Fruitful_Variants_Lex) --- g (Remove_Genitive) --- h (Flow_Help_Menu) --- i (Inflection) --- is (Inflection_Simple) --- ici ----- STR+STR (Inflection_By_Cat_Infl) --- L (Retrieve_Cat_Infl) --- Ln (Retrieve_Cat_Infl_Db) --- Lp (Retrieve_Cat_Infl_Begin) --- l (LowerCase) --- N (Normalize) --- N3 (LuiNormalize) --- m (Metaphone) --- n (No_Operation) --- nom (Retrieve_Nominalizations) --- o (Replace_Punctuation_With_Space) --- P (Strip_Punctuation_Enhanced) --- p (Strip_Punctuation) --- q (Strip_Diacritics) --- q0 (Map_Symbol_To_ASCII) --- q1 (Map_Unicode_To_ASCII) --- q2 (Split_Ligatures) --- q3 (Get_Unicode_Name) --- q4 (Get_Unicode_Synonym) --- q5 (Norma_Unicode) --- q6 (Norm_Unicode_With_Synonym) --- q7 (Unicode_Core_Norm) --- q8 (Strip_Map_Unicode) --- R (Recursive_Derivations) --- r (Recursive_Synonyms) --- rs (Remove_(s)_(es)_(ies)) --- S (Syntactic_Uninvert) --- Si (Simple_Inflections) --- s (Spelling_Variants) --- T (Strip_Ambiguity_Tags) --- t (Strip_Stop_Words) --- U (Convert_Output) --- u (Uninvert) --- v (Fruitful_Variants_Db) --- w (Sort_By_Word_Order) --- ws ----- INT (Word_Size_Filter) --- y (Synonyms) --- z (Antonyms) --- zs (Antonym_Substitution) - h (Help) - hs (Hierarchy_Struture) - i --- STR (Input_File) - if --- INT (Input_Inflection_Field) - kan --- STR (Antonym_Negation) - kas --- STR (Antonym_Source) - kat --- STR (Antonym_Type) - kd --- INT (Restrict_Derivations) - kdn --- STR (Derivation_Negative) - kdt --- STR (Derivation_Type) - ki --- INT (Restrict_Inflections) - kss --- STR (Synonym_Source) - m (Mutation_Information) - n (No_Output) - o --- STR (Output_file) - p (Show_Prompt) - R --- INT (Restrict_Out_Number) - SC (Show_Category_String) - SI (Show_Inflection_String) - St --- o (Sort_By_Term) --- oc (Sort_By_Term_Cat) --- oci (Sort_By_Term_Cat_Infl) - s --- STR (Field_Separator) - t --- INT (Term_Field) - ti (Filter_Input_Term) - v (Version) - x --- STR (Load_Configuration_file)