Tools to Generate LEXICON
This page include the tools under ${LEXICON}/bin. Some other tools from ${LEXBUILD}/tools/ are used during the LEXICON generation to check Cross-reference, Irreg base, TradeMark, etc. are not included here.
I. FinalizeLexicon
shell> FinalizeLexicon <year>
II. ValidateLexicon
shell> ValidateLexicon <year>
III. GenerateTables
shell> GenerateTables <year>
IV. ReleaseLexicon
shell> ReleaseLexicon <year>
V. Other Tools
Program Names | Usage | Short Description | Notes |
CompareTables | TableTest <year> | Test all generated tables | Run it at the end to compare data |
GenerateLexiconTerms | GenerateLexiconTerms <year> | Generate all unique terms in LEXICON | |
GenerateStatistics | GenerateStatistics <year> | Generate statistics for a given LEXICON | Input: ${LEXICON}/data/${YEAR}/data/LEXICON.release |
GetUniqueEui | GetUniqueEui <field number> <inFile> <outFile> | Generate unique EUI from a specified field in a file |