11 |
- Validate and analyze synonym tag file(s)
Follow the log to check and fix follows:
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.tbd:
- Required manually add TBD tags to those synonyms missed tags
- Tbd should be 0 to complete the tag (send to linguist for tagging)
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.err:
- Err no must be 0, send to linguists to re-tag if not 0
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.sortByEui
- Should be same as ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged_all.txt except for the return characters (PC and Linux), check wc -l
- Use this file for the next cleanUp check in Step-11a and 11
11 |
| 11a |
- Clean up synonym tag file(s)
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt
- ./Candidates/cuiPreferredTerm.data
Follow the log to check and fix follows:
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.cleanUp:
=> This is the clean up file, which merges tags and removd duplicates.
=> copy this file to the input file (./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt_ then re-ru Steps: 10,11,11a to make sure both TBD files are 0.
- ./Results/sClass.out.notTag
- ./Results/sClass.out.tag.tbd
=>In the re-Run, this file should be identical to the input file
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.conflict
=> This file shows all conflict tags (must = 0)
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.ptErr
=> This file shows all all conflict preferred terms (for a same CUI). This file is for the referernece only. The PT is auot-updated to the lateset UMLS.
must = 0 (in the final re-run after 11a)
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt.ptNull
All conflicts in this file should be null, check in the log file (no pt for the updated assocaited EUIs, could be > 0).
Fixed tags manually in SynonymCan_Tagged.txt until no errors/conflicts.
copy back and re-run step 10-11 until no error, no conflict.
| 11a |
| 12 |
- Generate current year synonyms from same CUI in Meta-thesaurus
- Go through all tagged sClass (Same CUI)
- Collect all synonyms of [Pos|EUI|Base] with [Y] tag
- Find all spVars and nominalizations of above [Y] tagged synonyms
- Generate sPairs from all permutations of above synonyms, their spVars and noms
- Use the CUI of the sClass for extra information
- Print out sPairSet by alphabetical order
- ./Tags/SynonymCan_Tagged.txt (all accumulated tags)
=> ./Results/sClass.out.tag (not used after 2022+, repleaced by above file)
- ./inData/LRSPL
- ./inData/LRNOM
- Print out No. of tags [Y|N|S] for [yes|No|Skip]
- ./Results/synonymFromMeta.data.${YEAR}
NpLc Synonym-1 | Synonym-1 | Pos-1 | Synonym-2 | Pos-2 | CUI
- shell> cp -p synonymFromMeta.data.${YEAR} synonymFromMeta.data
| 12 |
| 13 |
- Combine previous year and current year synonyms from Meta-thesaurus
- not used after 2022+
- ./inData/synonymFromMeta.data.{PREV_YEAR}
=> link to ../../${PREVIOUS_YEAR}/outData/ Results/synonymFromMeta.data
This is the accumulated synonyms from Meta (check WC with dGrowth)
This is the file release in LVG and Lexicon
- ./outData/Results/synonymFromMeta.data.${YEAR}
- ./outData/Results/synonymFromMeta.data (accumulated)
| 13 |
| | |