Option | Description | input | Output | Notes | Option
30 |
- get antonym candidates from prefixD
- derivation.getantcandfromprefixd.java
- ${PD_DIR}/input/derivation.data
- ${LEX_DIR}/input/inflvars.data
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/antcand.data.tag.${year}
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/domain.data
- ./output/cand/antcandprefixd.data
- ./output/cand/antcandprefixd.data.tag
=> aPairs alreayd tagged
- ./output/cand/antcandprefixd.data.tbd
=> aPairs to be done, need to be 0
- ./output/candtagged/antcandprefixd.data.tag.tagged
- if the first time:
- mkdir ./${year}/output/cand
- mkdir ./${year}/output/candtagged
- use updated derivation.data and inflvars.data
- send antcandprefixd.data.tbd to linguist to complete the tags
as for 2025 release, there are 7k+ tbd aPairs needs to be tagged. This number is expected to be much less (only for the annual growth of the prefixD) during the annual release once this is completed tagged.
| 30
31 |
- Validate and fix tags of antonym candidates (PD)
- Antonym.ValidateTaggedCand.java
- ./output/candTagged/antCandPrefixD.data.tag.tagged
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/domain.data
- ./output/candTagged/antCandPrefixD.data.tag.fixed
- Append linguist's tag to ${PD_DIR}/output/candTagged/antCandPrefixD.data.tag.tagged
- Run this step until the tag and fixed file are the same
- Fixed file is the auto-fixes on [TYPE_TBD] and [DOMAIN_TBD] to [NA] and [DOMAIN_NONE].
- shell> sort -u antCandPrefixD.data.tag.fixed > antCandPrefixD.data.tag.fixed.uSort
- Manually copy the sorted-fixed file to tagged file
- Manually copy antCandPrefixD.data.tag.tagged to antCandPrefixD.data.tag.tagged.${YEAR}.${NO}
| 31
32 |
- Update release antonyms tagged file form PD
- Antonym.UpdateAllTaggedFile
- ./output/candTagged/antCandPrefixD.data.tag.tagged.${YEAR}
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/antCand.data.tag.${YEAR}
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/domain.data
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/antCand.data.tag.updated
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/antCand.data.tag.updated.srcConflict
- ${ANT_DIR}/input/antCand.data.tag.updated.tarConflict
- This step auto-update all antonym candidate tag file
- Manully copy antCand.data.tag.updated to antCand.data.tag.updated.3.PD
- Manully copy/link antCand.data.tag.updated to antCand.data.tag.${YEAR}
- src could be conflicted (form different sources), for example:
- activate|E0007090|deactivate|E0417566|verb|Y|UB|BN2|quality|SN
- activate|E0007090|deactivate|E0417566|verb|Y|UB|BN2|quality|PD
- The output file is used to generate antonym and negation files for the release.
- Re-run steps 30-32 until it passes all steps.
| 32