QA & Test Plan

I. Software Quality Assurance

  1. Source Codes Walk through
    A procedure to make sure all source code of Lexicon meet coding standard.
  2. Software Development Documents (Website)
    A web site provides all development documents on Lexicon Tool project.
  3. Software Change Requests, (migrated to jira)
    A web based tool to perform book keeping functions on defects and features for Lexicon.

II. Testing

Four types of basic testing are executed in Lexicon project. They are:

  1. Unit Test

    All software components in Lexicon should perform unit test (black box test) to ensure software unit meet all requirements. Software components include:

  2. Integration Test

    A system level test should be performed for Lexicon generating tools. Ideally, an automatic testing program should be implemented and used. This testing program should include functions such as:

    • Performance test
    • Input sample data
    • Compare results
    • Generate test reports

  3. Quality Assurance

    This QA procedure is to check system delivery meet coding standard, system documentation (such as PDD & UDF) are provided, and defects are fixed with approval.