Validate and Fix LEXICON in LexBuild

  • Step 0:Fix illegal EUI (E0000000):
    If E0000000 exist, remove them in LexBuild
    • select * from LEX_RECORD where eui = 'E0000000'
    • delete from LEX_RECORD where eui = 'E0000000'

  • Step 1:Generate LEXICON from LexBuild
    • Generate Lexicon from WebLexBuild or comand line as follows:
      shell> cd ${LEX_BUILD}/Tools/LoadDb
      shell> GenScript
      1 (Generate Lexicon) => ${BACKUP}/Routine/Lexicon/${YEAR}/LEXICON
      2 (Generate inflVars) => ${BACKUP}/Routine/Lexicon/${YEAR}/inflvars => ${BACKUP}/Routine/Lexicon/${YEAR}/inflvarsTemp
    • Generate database table files from WebLexBuild or comand line as follows:
      shell> cd ${LEX_BUILD}/Tools/LoadDb
      shell> DbScript
      1 (Backup Lexicon)
      12 => ${BACKUP}/Routine/LexBuild/${YEAR}/${DATE}/
    • Backup database tables and Lexicon for the release to lexdev:${LEX_BUILD}/data.${SERVER}/DbTables/Releases/Tables.${YEAR}.release
    • After 2016+, the overnight backup Lexicon tables and Lexicon are used to replace this manual generation step.
    • No lexical record should be waiting for approval for the frozen Lexicon for the release.

Notes: After this point, The flat file, LEXICON, is the only input file used for generating all tables in LEXICON annual release.